A volunteer management system for distributing packets of food using MERN TECHNOLOGY STACK.
Manager can view and create posts to the Organization's blog, view and change user's information details, Make contact with any of them using two options of chats, creates schedule for the workers with their packets to deliver, view all the packets on Map with the status ('delivered' / 'not yet') and view statics of the work according to day, week and months data.
![Click to watch on YouTube](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/44200760/132144050-496f4646-2901-4984-ba47-0dd6b3f6482b.gif)
Worker can view the Organization's blog, change his information details, Make contact with the Manager using chat, view the packets he's suppose to send on Map with the status ('delivered' / 'not yet') and change the status of them to be: 'delivered' after delivering it safly to the target.
![Click to watch on YouTube](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/44200760/132144160-0b5baaf3-a088-4d49-a25e-f34e4cbf873b.gif)
- jquery - JavaScript library that simplify things like HTML document traversal and manipulation, event handling, animation, and Ajax.
- react - React is a JavaScript library for building user interfaces.
- jss-rtl - Plugin to enables right-to-left support to JSS.
- uuid - For the creation of RFC4122 UUIDs.
- quill - Modern rich text editor built for compatibility and extensibility.
- Axios - Promise based HTTP client for the browser and node.js
- socket.io-client - Enables real-time bidirectional event- Client-side.
- mapbox - JavaScript library for interactive, customizable vector maps on the web
- Lodash - JavaScript library that helps writing concise and maintainable JavaScript.
- express - Fast, unopinionated, minimalist web framework for node.
- socket.io - Enables real-time bidirectional event-based communication
- Lodash - JavaScript library that helps writing concise and maintainable JavaScript.
- node-kmeans - Node.js asynchronous implementation of the clustering algorithm k-means
- haversine - Calculate the distance (in various units) between two points on Earth using their latitude and longitude.
- bcrypt - A library to help hash passwords.
- Mongoose -Schema validation for data to DB.
- LocationIQ - API call for Gecoding Coordinates.
- MongoDB - Connect to Data Base.