ON HOLD! using MegaCMD and steering it through python doesnt work well, and I cant get mega sdk to work so project is on hold.
you need to
pip install -r requirements.txt
also install megacmd from https://mega.nz/cmd
and add it to PATH
scripts will ask you for your mailsac API key
megaclone.py is CLI menu where you can use other scripts interactively.
RegisterMegaAcc.py makes mega.nz account for you, and adds it to creds.txt file
clone.py takes mega link as an argument and exports it on new account
upload.py uploads file or directory to new "Original" account, then imports it to "Mirror" account and gives you link to share with the world. At the end makes log file with both accounts detail, Original and Mirror link.
Also there are exe files in releases, there are scripts compiled with PyInstaller
python.exe .\megaclone.py
python.exe .\RegisterMegaAcc.py <opt. number of accounts>
python.exe .\clone.py <mega link>
python.exe .\upload.py <path to file or directory>
Use it if you HAVE to, for issues with script use githubs issues please.
Discord: michaelbarry#6568