Arduino project to control the climate a cellar (e.g. in the loundry room)
##Required arduino libraries
##Required Hardware:
Arduino Uno R3 (Atmega328)
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LCD Shield Kit w/ 16x2 Character Display (I2C)
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2 x DHT22 temperature-humidity sensor
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Fan e.g. like Papst 4412F/2 GLL
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Any 12V 2A powersupply
Some resistors to connect all the sensors/fans to the arduino.
A relais or a some FETs to switch on/off the FAN
##Precondition for the building (cellar) itself
- A hole in the building hull that allows fresh air to be ventilated in by the fan
- a second hole in the building hull that allows the humid air to go out
- DHT22 (inside) signal on digital pin 2 (INPUT)
- DHT22 (outside) signal on digital pin 4 (INPUT)
- FAN rmp with 10k pullup on digital pin 3 (INPUT)
- FAN on/off on digital pin 8 (OUTPUT)
- Vin measurement with voltage divider (20k / 50k) on analog pin A0 (INPUT)