Colorful DIY clock with 60 Neo-LEDs. This is a project for the VHS Esslingen - Technikschule. In the project we are building up a real clock with one NEO RGB LED for each Minute or Second.
Here a picture of an early version
- Standard arduino
- Neo RGB NEO LED strip with 60 LED per Meter
- Foto resistor and resistor
- Button
- Real Time Clock tiny RTC
- 40cm x 40cm MDF boards
Following requirements are needed
- TimerOne for getting Timer Interupts for the seconds
- Adafruit Neo Pixel for driving the LED strip we have in use.
- ClickButton for doing the Button debounce and double- and long click
- Real Time Clock for interfacing with the tiny RTC via I2C communication
State Machine To give different logic to the clicks of a button we need to implement a state machine. This means dependant on the current state of the clock the clicks of a the button have a different meaning.