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Ride to work by bike frontend (ride-to-work-by-bike)

A Ride to work by bike web app is based on the Quasar framework (Vue.js version 3, TypeScript, TOML).

Tested with Node.js LTS Iron version.

Installing and activating Node Version Manager nvm:

Installing nvm:

curl -o- | bash

Activating nvm (add these lines to your ~/.bashrc, ~/.profile, or ~/.zshrc file) or run interactively from a terminal emulator:

export NVM_DIR="$([ -z "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME-}" ] && printf %s "${HOME}/.nvm" || printf %s "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}/nvm")" && [ -s "$NVM_DIR/" ] && \. "$NVM_DIR/"

Using nvm:

nmv list
nvm install lts/iron
nvm use lts/iron

Install the dependencies

Quasar framework CLI

yarn global add @quasar/cli npx

App dependencies


Start the app in development mode (hot-code reloading, error reporting, etc.)

Adjust app config via TOML config file ride_to_work_by_bike_config.toml or via SHELL/ENV variables (check vars with cat ./src/utils/get_app_conf.js).

App global vars defined inside config file ride_to_work_by_bike_config.toml are overrided by SHELL/ENV vars (defined here ./src/utils/get_app_conf.js).

When you add some app new global var inside config file ride_to_work_by_bike_config.toml you must add correspoding SHELL/ENV var here ./src/utils/get_app_conf.js.

And before create your PR (deploy to k8) you must add new/changed correspoding SHELL/ENV var here ride-to-work-by-bike-frontend-test.yaml and here ride-to-work-by-bike-frontend.lib.yaml.

Start dev server with

yarn dev

Lint the files

yarn lint

Format the files

yarn format

Run app tests

UNIX-like OS:

# Component tests

WEB_BROWSER="firefox" # other web browsers options are "electron", "chrome", "edge"
# Run component tests
yarn test:component:$WEB_BROWSER
# Run component tests in parallel
yarn test:component:parallel:$WEB_BROWSER -t <NUMBER OF CPU CORES>
# Or test only one component file tests
yarn test:component:$WEB_BROWSER -s ./src/components/__tests__/
# Or interactively open web browser and run tests
yarn test:component:open:$WEB_BROWSER

# E2e tests

# Start web dev server in another emulator terminal
yarn dev
# Inside another emulator terminal run tests
WEB_BROWSER="firefox" # other web browsers options are "electron", "chrome", "edge"
# Run e2e tests
yarn test:e2e:$WEB_BROWSER
# Run e2e tests in parallel
yarn test:e2e:parallel:$WEB_BROWSER -t <NUMBER OF CPU CORES>
# Or test only one e2e file tests
yarn test:e2e:$WEB_BROWSER -s ./test/cypress/e2e/
# Or interactively open web browser and run tests
yarn test:e2e:open:$WEB_BROWSER

MS Windows OS:

:: Component tests

set WEB_BROWSER="firefox" :: other web browsers options are "electron", "chrome", "edge"
:: Run component tests
yarn test:component:win:%WEB_BROWSER%
:: Run component tests in parallel
yarn test:component:win:parallel:%WEB_BROWSER% -t <NUMBER OF CPU CORES>
:: Or test only one component file tests
yarn test:component:win:%WEB_BROWSER% -s \src\components\__tests__\
:: Or interactively open web browser and run tests
yarn test:component:open:win:%WEB_BROWSER%

:: E2e tests

:: Start web dev server in another Command Prompt
yarn dev
:: Inside another Command Prompt run tests
set WEB_BROWSER="firefox" :: other web browsers options are "electron", "chrome", "edge"
:: Run e2e tests
yarn test:e2e:win:%WEB_BROWSER%
:: Run e2e tests in parallel
yarn test:e2e:win:parallel:%WEB_BROWSER% -t <NUMBER OF CPU CORES>
:: Or test only one e2e file tests
yarn test:e2e:win:%WEB_BROWSER% -s \test\cypress\e2e\
:: Or interactively open web browser and run tests
yarn test:e2e:open:win:$WEB_BROWSER

Build the app for production

Adjust app config via TOML config file ride_to_work_by_bike_config.toml or via SHELL/ENV variables (check vars with cat ./src/utils/get_app_conf.js).

Build app with

yarn build

Copy content of the dist/spa/* dir into webserver Apache/NGINX dir.

Deployed app

App is automatically deployed into k8 repository.

Open web app URL with your default browser.

# Open default web browser with URL from the emulator terminal
test@test:~$ xdg-open

Develoment app with build Docker image/container


# Build Docker image
docker buildx build \
--build-arg="UID=$(id -u)" \
--build-arg="GID=$(id -g)" \
-t ride-to-work-by-bike-frontend-dev \
-f ./docker/dev/Dockerfile .

# Run Docker app container
xhost local:$(id -u)

docker run -it --rm \
--env="PS1=\u@\h:\w$ " \
--publish=9000:9000 \
--volume=$(pwd):$APP_DIR \
--volume="/tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix:rw" \
--device="/dev/dri/card0:/dev/dri/card0" \
--name=$APP_NAME \
ride-to-work-by-bike-frontend-dev OR auto0mat/ride-to-work-by-bike-frontend-dev:latest

# Or if you want override some Docker app container ENV variables (-e flag)
xhost local:$(id -u)

docker run -it --rm  \
--env="PS1=\u@\h:\w$ " \
--env="PRIMARY_COLOR=red" \
--publish=9000:9000 \
--volume="/tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix:rw" \
--device="/dev/dri/card0:/dev/dri/card0" \
ride-to-work-by-bike-frontend-dev OR auto0mat/ride-to-work-by-bike-frontend-dev:latest

# Install app JS dependencies
dev@61b150727994:~/ride-to-work-by-bike-app$ ./docker/dev/

# Run quasar app dev server from emulator terminal
dev@61b150727994:~/ride-to-work-by-bike-app$ yarn dev

# Run app component/e2e tests, see Run app tests section
# Run quasar app dev server on the background from emulator terminal
dev@61b150727994:~/ride-to-work-by-bike-app$ yarn dev &
# Run component tests
dev@61b150727994:~/ride-to-work-by-bike-app$ yarn test:component:firefox
# Open component tests
dev@61b150727994:~/ride-to-work-by-bike-app$ yarn test:component:open:firefox
# Run e2e tests
dev@61b150727994:~/ride-to-work-by-bike-app$ yarn test:e2e:firefox
# Open e2e tests
dev@61b150727994:~/ride-to-work-by-bike-app$ yarn test:e2e:open:firefox

# Check web app from your host OS via web browser
# Open default web browser with URL http://localhost:9000 from host OS emulator terminal
test@test:~$ xdg-open http://localhost:9000

Customize the configuration

See Configuring quasar.config.js.


GNU AGPLv3 or later.


Ride to work by bike frontend







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  • JavaScript 49.2%
  • Vue 40.5%
  • TypeScript 9.3%
  • SCSS 0.4%
  • Shell 0.3%
  • Dockerfile 0.2%
  • HTML 0.1%