- Check the current League of Legends free-week champions with real data from Riot Games APIs.
- data available in all languages supported by the official game.
You'll need to pick one Developer API key from Riot Games. You can read the link above for more information.
Once you have a key, you can use it in com/machado001/lilol/rotation/model/network/RotationNetworkDataSource.kt
in the @Query parameter.
This repo is using an MVP approach, and:
- Material UI 3;
- Light and Dark Themes;
- Retrofit;
- Manual Dependency Injection (container approach);
- Picasso;
- OkHttp Interceptors;
- Views/XML;
- Coroutines;
- Jetpack Navigation;
- Caching;
- Kotlin;
- and more 😘.
Project not completed yet!