Addon for ZX Dandanator! Mini. A Spectrum ZX peripheral with many features.
Minor bug fixes. If there are many files in a folder, a message about low sd card performance may be incorrectly displayed.
Important warning if you want to buy multiply or dandanator boards to make your device. There are at least two scammers on pcbway who uploaded multiply and dandanator designs WITHOUT ASKING ANY PERMISSION and they take a 10% commission of cost per author when they have created NOTHING. If you buy your pcbs from pcbway you have been ripped off because you have FREE gerbers to order your pcbs wherever you want (jlcpcb, dirtypcbs, etc...). We contacted pcbway and so far they have not removed these scammers.
Arduino IDE, Sjasmplus or similar Z80 compiler
jar file for the Java Romset generator
git clone
1.Use the Arduino IDE to upload the sketch to the Multiply's Arduino Nano. This process requires the Multiply to be disconnected from the ZX Dandanator! Mini
Note: sdfat library is required. You can use one of these options:
version 1.1.4.
versions 2.x.x are not supported
version 1.5.1. This also install SD by arduino, SparkFun version 1.2.4
versions 2.x.x are not supported
2.Use SJASMPlus to create the MLD file containing the navigation menu
1.Open the "Java Romset generator" and drag your newly built MLD file to the program list
2.Connect the Multiply to the ZX Dandanator! Mini and, then, plug the cartridge to the expansion slot of your Spectrum. Once powered on, select "L-Loader" in the Spectrum's Dandanator menu and send your romset using the "Java Romset generator"
Any ZX Spectrum without Kempston Interface can use Multiply.
Warning! As with any old computer from the 8-bit and 16-bit era, never plug in a joystick with the ZX Spectrum switched on!
Known incompatible models (because include a Kempston interface internally):
1️⃣ Timex TC2048
2️⃣ Inves Plus 48K
Multiply is a team work by Dandare, Mad3001 and OverCLK.
If you are using any part of the code in this repository don''t forget to mention it if you make it public.
Our sincere gratitude to Habi (Habisoft) for his invaluable support and his great emulator es.pectrum
Many thanks To Pagantipaco for the graphics and his amazing Menu design. Link to Retroworks page
Thanks to Antonio Villena for his modification to the original 48KB Spectrum rom allowing a tape auto load on boot
Thanks to Bill Greiman for his Arduino SdFat Library. Source code of sdfat is not distributed with Multiply. SDFat licencing information available at: