- OctaviaDB - A lightweight, AES-encrypted NoSQL database for fast and secure local storage in Node.js.
- AES Encryption: Secure your data with robust AES encryption, ensuring privacy and safety for all stored information.
- NoSQL Architecture: A flexible, schema-less NoSQL database that allows for easy storage of diverse data structures.
- Auto-Commit: Automatically save changes at customizable intervals to prevent data loss and ensure consistent persistence.
- To install the OctaviaDB module, run the following command in your terminal:
npm install octavia-db
- This example shows how to initialize your database by specifying the database name, password, and auto-commit interval.
const OctaviaDB = require('octavia-db');
// Initialize the OctaviaDB instance
const db = new OctaviaDB({
database: './my-database', // Path to your database directory
password: 'my-secret-password', // Password for encryption
autoCommitInterval: 5000 // Auto commit changes every 5 seconds
// Get information about the database
- This example demonstrates how to create a collection, insert data, update data, and perform other operations like finding and removing data.
const OctaviaDB = require('octavia-db');
const db = new OctaviaDB({
database: './my-database',
password: 'my-secret-password',
autoCommitInterval: 5000
// Create a new collection
const collection = db.collection('users');
// Insert a single document
collection.insert({ id: 1, name: 'John Doe', age: 30 });
collection.insert({ id: 2, name: 'Jane Smith', age: 25 });
// Insert multiple documents
{ id: 3, name: 'Michael Johnson', age: 35 },
{ id: 4, name: 'Sarah Lee', age: 40 }
// Find a document by a query
const user = collection.find({ id: 1 });
console.log(user); // Output: { id: 1, name: 'John Doe', age: 30 }
// Update a document
collection.update({ id: 1 }, { age: 31 });
// Remove a document
collection.remove({ id: 2 });
// Find multiple documents
const usersAbove30 = collection.findMany({ age: 30 });
console.log(usersAbove30); // Output: [ { id: 1, name: 'John Doe', age: 31 }, { id: 3, name: 'Michael Johnson', age: 35 } ]
// Info about the collection
- This example shows how to create and interact with a single data object that holds key-value pairs, similar to working with a JSON object.
const OctaviaDB = require('octavia-db');
const db = new OctaviaDB({
database: './my-database',
password: 'my-secret-password',
autoCommitInterval: 5000
// Create a new data object
const dataObject = db.dataObject('settings');
// Set key-value pairs in the data object
dataObject.set('theme', 'dark');
dataObject.set('notifications', true);
dataObject.set('language', 'en');
// Get values from the data object
console.log(dataObject.get('theme')); // Output: 'dark'
console.log(dataObject.get('notifications')); // Output: true
console.log(dataObject.get('language')); // Output: 'en'
// Update a value in the data object
dataObject.set('theme', 'light');
// Remove value
// Info about the data object
console.log(dataObject.info()); // Outputs stats on the data object (size, creation time, etc.)
- This example demonstrates how to delete a collection or data object and even the entire database.
const OctaviaDB = require('octavia-db');
const db = new OctaviaDB({
database: './my-database',
password: 'my-secret-password',
autoCommitInterval: 5000
// Create a collection and insert data
const collection = db.collection('users');
collection.insert({ id: 1, name: 'John Doe', age: 30 });
collection.insert({ id: 2, name: 'Jane Smith', age: 25 });
// Delete a collection
// Create a new data object
const dataObject = db.dataObject('settings');
dataObject.set('theme', 'dark');
dataObject.set('notifications', true);
// Delete a data object
// Delete the entire database (be cautious with this!)
- This example shows how to check whether a collection or document exists in the database before performing operations.
const OctaviaDB = require('octavia-db');
const db = new OctaviaDB({
database: './my-database',
password: 'my-secret-password',
autoCommitInterval: 5000
// Check if a collection exists
const collectionExists = db.collectionExists('users');
console.log(`Collection 'users' exists: ${collectionExists}`); // Output: true/false
// Check if a data object exists
const dataObjectExists = db.documentExists('settings');
console.log(`Data Object 'settings' exists: ${dataObjectExists}`); // Output: true/false
// database methods
db.info() // Returns information about the database
db.delete() // Deletes the entire database
db.collection(collectionName, encrypt) // Creates a new collection within the database.
db.dataObject(dataObjectName, encrypt) // Creates a new data object within the database.
db.collectionExists(collectionName) // Checks if a collection exists.
db.documentExists(documentName) // Checks if a document exists.
// collection methods.
collection.info() // information about collection
collection.delete() // delete collection
collection.insert(data, immediateCommit) // Inserts a new item into the collection.
collection.insertMany(dataArray, immediateCommit) // Inserts multiple items into the collection.
collection.find(query) // Finds a single item that matches the query.
collection.findMany(query) // Finds multiple items that match the query.
collection.update(query, newData, immediateCommit) // Updates an item in the collection.
collection.updateMany(query, newData, immediateCommit) // Updates multiple items in the collection.
collection.remove(query, immediateCommit) // Removes an item from the collection.
collection.removeMany(query, immediateCommit) // Removes multiple items from the collection.
// DataObject Methods
dataObj.set(key, value, immediateCommit) // Sets a key-value pair in the data object.
dataObj.get(key) // Retrieves a value from the data object.
dataObj.remove(key) // remove a value from the data object.
dataObj.info() // Returns information about the data object.