A fairly complete dark theme for (spac[e]macs), works well with 256 color terminals.
You can install it from MELPA by:
M-x package-install RET madhat2r-theme
Some of the supported modes are:
- avy
- cider
- company
- ein
- erc
- flycheck
- git-gutter
- gnus
- helm
- ido
- info
- ivy
- jabber
- magit
- message-mode
- neotree
- notmuch
- org
- rainbow-delimiters
- swiper
… and more
if you find one missing that you want, please send a PR
The theme has some options that can be tweaked via M-x customize
- This toggles the use of varying org agenda heights.
- This toggles the use of varying org headings heights.
- This allows for specifying a list of custom colors to override madhat2r
theme colors. More details in the next section.
The theme can be customized by overriding one of the theme local variables by
setting a list in the madhat2r-theme-custom-colors
variable. Here’s a list of
all the local variables and roles:
Note: all these variables have a term counter part which effects the terminal
version of this theme. These vars are suffixed with -term
so for example if
you want to change the background on the terminal you would use bg1-term
var | role |
act1 | One of mode-line’s active colors. |
act2 | The other active color of mode-line. |
base | The basic color of normal text. |
base-dim | A dimmer version of the normal text color. |
bg1 | The background color. |
bg2 | A darker background color. Used to highlight current line. |
bg3 | Yet another darker shade of the background color. |
bg4 | The darkest background color. |
border | A border line color. Used in mode-line borders. |
cblk | A code block color. Used in org’s code blocks. |
cblk-bg | The background color of a code block. |
cblk-ln | A code block header line. |
cblk-ln-bg | The background of a code block header line. |
cursor | The cursor/point color. |
const | A constant. |
comment | A comment. |
comment-bg | This adds contrast to comments in certain modes. Does not effect in-code comments. |
comp | A complementary color. |
err | errors. |
func | functions. |
head1 | Level 1 of a heading. Used in org’s/markdown headings and other various places. |
head2 | Level 2 headings. |
head3 | Level 3 headings. |
head4 | Level 4 headings. |
highlight | A highlighted area. |
highlight-dim | A dimmer highlighted area. |
keyword | A keyword or a builtin color. |
lnum | Line numbers. |
mat | A matched color. Used in matching parens, brackets and tags. |
meta | A meta line. Used in org’s meta line. |
str | A string. |
suc | To indicate success. Opposite of error. |
ttip | Tooltip color. |
ttip-sl | Tooltip selection color. |
ttip-bg | Tooltip background color. |
type | A type color. |
var | A variable color. |
war | A warning color. |
There is also explicit colors variables that can be customized: (these also have a -term
- aqua
- aqua-bg
- green
- green-bg
- green-bg-s
- cyan
- red
- red-bg
- red-bg-s
- blue
- blue-bg
- violet
- yellow
- yellow-bg
The green
and red
colors have two background versions. The green-bg
are normal light background colors. The green-bg-s
and red-bg-s
a stronger version and are used in ediff
and places were text is added or
To override colors, add this to your init.el
(custom-set-variables '(madhat2r-theme-custom-colors
'((act1 . "#ff0000")
(act1-term . "#000aff")
(act2 . "#0000ff")
(act2-term . "#a000ff")
(base . "#ffffff"))))
This will override act1
, act1
and base
to use the specified colors; and
the -term
versions will effect the terminal version.
In order for terminal version to look good, use the following colors. There is also matching colors for LS.
Add to your termite config file.
# MaDhAt2r color scheme
foreground = #c1c7c9
foreground_bold = #e0e0e0
background = #131516
cursor = #eee8d5
# if unset, will reverse foreground and background
highlight = #0d3c55
## black dark/light
color0 = #373d3f
color8 = #555f61
## red dark/light
color1 = #a22719
color9 = #c02e1d
## green dark/light
color2 = #94ad55
color10 = #a2b86c
## yellow dark/light
color3 = #e9ac25
color11 = #ecb844
## blue dark/light
color4 = #107c9b
color12 = #1395ba
## magenta dark/light
color5 = #0b445a
color13 = #0F5B78
## cyan dark/light
color6 = #e15b0e
color14 = #f16c20
## white dark/light
color7 = #7a878a
color15 = #8C979A
add to your .Xdefaults
! MaDhAt2r Color-Theme !
*foreground : #c1c7c9
*foreground_bold : #e0e0e0
!foreground_dim : #eee8d5
*background : #131516
*cursor : #eee8d5
! if unset, will reverse foreground and background
*highlight : #0d3c55
! black dark/light
*color0 : #373d3f
*color8 : #555f61
! red dark/light
*color1 : #a22719
*color9 : #c02e1d
! green dark/light
*color2 : #94ad55
*color10 : #a2b86c
! yellow dark/light
*color3 : #e9ac25
*color11 : #ecb844
! blue dark/light
*color4 : #107c9b
*color12 : #1395ba
! magenta dark/light
*color5 : #0b445a
*color13 : #0F5B78
! cyan dark/light
*color6 : #e15b0e
*color14 : #f16c20
! white dark/light
*color7 : #7a878a
*color15 : #8C979A
Insert into your bash/zsh rc file
Note: the LS_COLORS variable cannot have line breaks
export LS_COLORS
I used the wonderful spacemacs-theme by nashamri as the skeleton for this theme. If you want to see examples of what the customization vars look like in action, nashamri has wonderfully illustrated graphics showing exactly what most colors apply to.
Also, you really should give his theme a try, it is wonderfully crafted.