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Maximum product Subarray

Maximum Product Subarray - LeetCode

Given an integer array nums, find the contiguous subarray within an array (containing at least one number) which has the largest product.


  1. Are all elements "integers"?
  2. Are all elements positive integers? - If yes - just return entire array
  3. Do you need "contiguous" subarray
  4. Can the subarray be empty?


[2 3 4 5]
Ans - [2 3 4 5]

[-2 -3 -4 -5 -6]
Ans - length is even - just return entire array
      length is odd  - leave the min number of a[0], a[len-1]
[2 3 5 -6 4]

    total subarrays - startINdex-endIndex - O(n^2)
    each subarray - result - O(n)
    find max
    -2              p=-2
    -2 -3           p=6
    -2 -3 -4        p=-24
    -2 -3 -4 -5
    -2 -3 -4 -5 -6  p = 24*5*6
    Remove O(n) complexity
[-2 -3 -4 -5 -6]
-2 6 -24 120 -720

Find two indices whose division is maximum -  O(n^2)

[-2 -3 -4 -5 -6]

      -2  -4  -5  

Min:  -2  -4  -40  
Max:  -2  8   20



1. Naive:

  • Find all subarrays - O(n^2) subarrays
  • Find product of each subarray - O(n) each subarray
  • Find max product

O(n^3) time complexity

2. little improved naive

  • Instead of finding product for each subarray seperately, find product as you make the subarrays and use prev subarrays product
Eg:  -2  3  5  6 7
Subarrays              Product = Prevprod*a[i]
-2                           -2
-2 3                         -2*3 = -6
-2 3 5                       -6*5 = -30
-2 3 5 6                     -30*6 = -180
  • WIll reduce the extra O(n) complexity

O(n^2) time complexity

3. Reduce this to division problem

  • Find product of numbers from index 1 to every i and then it reduces to finding two indeces whose division leads to max number

O(n^2) -- time complexity

4. Dynamic programming

  • Find min product and max product ending at every index, keep track of max of maxProducts
  currentMin = min (prevMin*currentNum, prevMax*currentNum, currentNum)
  currentMax = max (prevMin*currentNum, prevMax*currentNum, currentNum)
  globalMax = max(globalMax, currentMax)

currentMax == prevMin*currentNum when currentNum is -ve

currentMax == prevMax*currentNum when currentNum is +ve

currentMax == currentNum when currentNum is +ve and both (prevMin, prevMax) are -ve

O(n) - Time complexity O(1) - Space complexity


class Solution {
    public int maxProduct(int[] nums) {
        if (nums.length == 0) {
            return 0;
        int prevMinEndingHere = nums[0];
        int prevMaxEndingHere = nums[0];
        int maxProductGlobal = nums[0];
        for (int i=1;i<nums.length;i++) {
            int currentMaxEndingHere = Collections.max(Arrays.asList(prevMinEndingHere*nums[i], prevMaxEndingHere*nums[i], nums[i]));
            int currentMinEndingHere = Collections.min(Arrays.asList(prevMinEndingHere*nums[i], prevMaxEndingHere*nums[i], nums[i]));
            maxProductGlobal = Math.max(maxProductGlobal, currentMaxEndingHere);
            prevMinEndingHere = currentMinEndingHere;
            prevMaxEndingHere = currentMaxEndingHere;          
        return maxProductGlobal;