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Editorials for Algorithmic problems explaining different approaches to a problem along with their complexities


  1. Paradigms
  2. Edge cases to take care
  3. Questions that can be asked


Paradigm Concept Examples
two pointer approach Use two pointers for the array and move the pointers based on some decission ---
sliding window Similar to two pointer approach but usually the window (distace between two pointers) is fixed and the window is moved in a direction based on some decission par
use array as position array use index of the array to flag the value of index used in finding duplicates in array etc
Computing left/right result arrays Compute left result or right result arrays
Divide and conquer Divide the given problem into sub problems and solve the subproblems recursively
Greedy Choose the solution based on the first best way possible
Dyanamic programming Identify subproblems and try to solve the given problem with the help of the subproblems in a top down approach

Two pointer approach

  • Typically used for arrays
  • Usually used in the following ways.
  1. Two pointers start from either end of an array and move according to a condition
  2. one is slow pointer and another is fast pointer.

Further read: interviewbit-two-pointer leetcode-two pointer

Sliding window

Generally speaking a sliding window is a sub-list that runs over an underlying collection. I.e., if you have an array like

[a b c d e f g h]
a sliding window of size 3 would run over it like

[a b c]
  [b c d]
    [c d e]
      [d e f]
        [e f g]
          [f g h]

This is useful if you for instance want to compute a running average, or if you want to create a set of all adjacent pairs etc. (Source: Stackoverflow)

More Information :

Array as position array

[To Do]

Computing left or right result arrays


Product of Array Except Self

Edge cases to take care


  1. Handle null object
  2. Look for "index out of bounds" exception
  3. Take care of -ve numbers


  1. Handle zero length string/array
  2. Handle empty string
  3. Handle string with length 1 (particularly important in two pointer approach)

Questions that can be asked


  1. Ask for expected time complexity
  2. Ask for expected space complexity


  1. If it is number - number +ve/-ve/integer/float?
  2. Are you testing the script for multiple inputs or single input? (Intention is: sometimes you can use hashmap for storing the result and use it as a look up in case multiple inputs are being given)


  1. Characters only a-z ?
  2. Are there any duplicates present?
  3. All the numbers positive/negative?
  4. All the numbers integers or float?
  5. Ask if array is sorted