- Madhur Khandelwal
- Siddharth Daftari
- Seema Rohilla
- Akshay Sonvane
To create a an automated system that eliminates the manual process of attendance management.
- Raspberry Pi
- Android App
- Django web application server
- MySQL Database
- Fault tolerant using replication of Raspberry Pi.
- Dynamic leader election.
- Notification via playback of a short musical note for each attendance marked.
- Energy effecient mode; activates bluetooth scan only during class timing, by pulling class timings from the server periodically.
- Rapberry Pi denies service to unauthorized students.(i.e. students who have not yet registered for that class)
- E-Mail system integrated within the application for professor/authorised person.
- Google OAuth used, no need to remember passwords or re-register.
- Connection between android and Raspberry Pi using RFCOMM protocol.
- Android app dynamically obtains the MAC address from the server before marking the attendance.
- Protection against SQL injection on server side.
- Followed MTV (Model Template View) architecture on the server.
This project is released under the MIT License.