A collection of delay-related plugins for SuperCollider.
The following plugins are included:
- SpaceTub: A tape delay inspired echo delay with a softclipper, limiter and state variable filter in the feedback path.
- FeedbackDelay: A simple feedback delay with cubic interpolation and support for both audio and control rate arguments.
- VAStateVariableFilter: A state variable filter with cutoff, resonance and 8 different filter types. This is based on an analog topology.
Either download the pre-built binaries from the releases page or build the project yourself (recommended on MacOS).
NOTE: currently the macOS binaries are not signed. I recommend building them yourself (below) or see https://github.com/supercollider/supercollider/wiki/macOS-Signing-and-Notarization
If you are on arch based systems, you can install it using an aur helper:
yay -S supercollider-feedbackdelay-sc-git
The delay line code is written using modern C++ templating tricks, to allow easily making variations with different operations.
All dependencies are handled by CPM.
- CMake >= 3.12
The project uses CPM to download the supercollider code and necessary dependencies.
All you have to do is build:
Clone the project:
git clone https://github.com/madskjeldgaard/feedbackdelay-sc
cd feedbackdelay-sc
mkdir build
cd build
Then, use CMake to configure and build it:
cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
cmake --build . --config Release
cmake --build . --config Release --target install
You may want to manually specify the install location in the first step to point it at your
SuperCollider extensions directory: add the option -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/path/to/extensions
The project includes vscode-style tasks that should be picked up by vscode and neovim etc.
- The VA state variable filter code is a rewrite of Jordan T Harris' juce svf filter.
- Limiter used is safety-limiter.