SideMenuKitSwiftUI is a framework for displaying menus on the left side of the screen. Two types of menu styles are provided: sliding menu and sidebar menu. A sliding menu is a menu with a title and an icon. Sidebar menu is a menu with only icons.
You can add this package on Xcode. See documentation.
You can just import SideMenuKitSwiftUI to use the package.
import SwiftUI
import SideMenuKitSwiftUI
struct ContentView: View
enum Menu: Int, Hashable
case fine
case cloudy
case rainy
case snow
case bolt
case wind
case tornado
private let items: [SMKSideMenuItem<Menu>] = [
(title: "Fine", icon: "sun.max.fill", tag: Menu.fine, color:,
(title: "Cloudy", icon: "cloud.fill", tag: Menu.cloudy, color: Color.gray),
(title: "Rainy", icon: "umbrella.fill", tag: Menu.rainy, color:,
(title: "Snow", icon: "snowflake", tag: Menu.snow, color: Color.cyan),
(title: "Bolt", icon: "bolt.fill", tag: Menu.bolt, color: Color.yellow),
(title: "Wind", icon: "wind", tag: Menu.wind, color:,
(title: "Tornado", icon: "tornado", tag: Menu.tornado, color: Color.indigo)
].map({ SMKSideMenuItem<Menu>(title: $0.title, icon: $0.icon, tag: $0.tag, color: $0.color) })
private let configuration: SMKSideMenuConfiguration = .slide
@State private var path: NavigationPath = .init()
var body: some View {
SMKSideMenu<Menu,MenuContentView>(navigationPath: $path, configuration: configuration, menuItems: items, startItem: .fine) {
(menu) -> MenuContentView in
MenuContentView(selected: menu, items: items)
struct MenuContentView: View
private let menu: Menu
private let item: SMKSideMenuItem<Menu>
init(selected menu: Menu, items: [SMKSideMenuItem<Menu>]) { = menu
self.item = items.filter({ $0.tag == menu })[0]
var body: some View {
VStack {
.aspectRatio(contentMode: .fit)
.frame(width: 192, height: 192)
.navigationDestination(for: String.self) { value in
Text(value) // can handle NavigationLink programmatically
.frame(maxWidth: .infinity, alignment: .center)
The side menu style can be easily switched by simply changing the configuration value from .slide to .sidebar.
private let configuration: SMKSideMenuConfiguration = .slide
private let configuration: SMKSideMenuConfiguration = .sidebar
Below you can see all the properties that you can set in the configuration.
Property | Type | Description |
menuStyle |
MenuStyle |
Menu-style (slide or sidebar ) |
sidebarWidth |
CGFloat |
Width of the left area |
selectedStyle |
SelectedStyle |
Selected-style on the slide (none , pinpoint , highlight , underline ) |
selectedColor |
Color |
Color at menu selected on the slide |
backgroundColor |
Color |
Background color of the left area |
SMKSideMenu(configuration: SMKSideMenuConfiguration, menuItems: [SMKSideMenuItem<Menu>], startItem: Menu, @ViewBuilder content: @escaping (Menu) -> Content) -> View where Menu: Hashable, Content: View
On iOS 16 and later, the initializer supports NavigationPath for NavigationStack.
SMKSideMenu(navigationPath: Binding<NavigationPath>, configuration: SMKSideMenuConfiguration, menuItems: [SMKSideMenuItem<Menu>], startItem: Menu, @ViewBuilder content: @escaping (Menu) -> Content) -> View where Menu: Hashable, Content: View
- Swift 5 or later
- iOS 15 or later
- Xcode 13.4 or later
This package is licensed under BSD License