Bootstrap templates for BuildBot
Let's give Buildbot some style!
BBB is a set of templates to be used with BuildBot 0.8.7 or newer. They use Twitter Bootstrap CSS and JavaScript improve the web interface.
Yes, I know there are some plans to create new BuildBot templates using Bootstrap in revision 0.9, but now you can use them with 0.8 by using bbb.
The information shown is basically the same than the default templates show (maybe a button more or something like that), but no new information is shown and no old information is hidden.
I tried to add more information (like a dropdown menu with the builder names), but that required to modify the BuildBot code itself, and it was out of the scope of this project.
- Copy the "templates" directory content into the "templates" directory in your master installation
- Restart/reconfigure the master.
Code (be careful, it can override your templates):
scp -r $BBB_PATH/templates/* $MASTER_PATH/templates
If you are using a Git repository and you do not think about modifying the templates, maybe this can be the best form to install BBB:
- Add the BBB repository as a module:
git module add
- In your BuildBot master directory, create a link "templates" to the "templates" directory in the BBB working copy.
- Restart/Reconfigure the master.
Code (be careful, it may delete some of your files):
git submodule add $BBB_PATH
git update --init
rm -rf $MASTER_PATH/templates
ln -s $BBB_PATH/templates $MASTER_PATH/templates
Another option is to configure BuildBot in order to retrieve the templates from their location, as it is explained in the BuildBot Manual:
import jinja2
myloaders = [
jinja_loaders = myloaders,
Remember to link the static files too!!!
This option can be used mixed with the Git one :D
And here you are some screenshots:
Full sized: Default Waterfall - BBB Waterfall
Full sized: Default Grid - BBB Grid
Full sized: Default TGrid - BBB TGrid
Full sized: Default Builders - BBB Builders
Full sized: Default Slaves - BBB Slaves