Jackrabbit Object Content Mapper implementation for Magnolia.
Note: OCM is a deprecated specification. Consider using another approach for new projects.
In Magnolia 6+ the Node2Bean mechanism works differently and can no longer construct instances of
directly. Use ch.fastforward.magnolia.ocm.beans.ProxyClassDescriptor
as definition class instead.
Objects to be managed need to be described by class descriptors in /modules/ocm/config/classDescriptors
The configuration is a list of sub-nodes, i.e. class descriptions. A class description has the form (please see ch.fastforward.magnolia.ocm.beans.ProxyClassDescriptor
for a full list of supported properties):
name | type | description |
class | String (required) | Qualified name of the class for this definition. Used by Magnolias Node2Bean mechanism. This should be ch.fastforward.magnolia.ocm.beans.ProxyClassDescriptor . |
className | String (required) | Qualified name of the Java bean class that is described by this descriptor. |
jcrType | String (required) | Node type of the object. |
parentJcrType | String | Type of a parent node of the object in the JCR structure. This is not necessarily the hierarchical super-type of the node. |
nextBeanId | Long | Used by the OCM mechanism to keep track of the bean id. |
fieldDescriptors | Map of field descriptors | The fields of the object, each specified by a field descriptor (see below). |
A field descriptor has the form (see org.apache.jackrabbit.ocm.mapper.model.FieldDescriptor
for a full list of all supported properties and refer to the JCR OCM documentation.):
name | type | description |
class | String (required) | Qualified name of the class for this definition. Used by Magnolias Node2Bean mechanism. This should be org.apache.jackrabbit.ocm.mapper.model.FieldDescriptor or a subclass. |
fieldName | String (required) | Name of the field in the class. |
jcrName | String | Name of the field in JCR. |
path | boolean | true if this field represents the path of the object. |
uuid | boolean | true if this field represents the uuid of the object. |
className: ch.fastforward.beans.CardOrder
class: ch.fastforward.magnolia.ocm.beans.ProxyClassDescriptor
jcrType: cardOrder
nextBeanID: 1
parentJcrType: mgnl:folder
class: org.apache.jackrabbit.ocm.mapper.model.FieldDescriptor
fieldName: path
path: true
class: org.apache.jackrabbit.ocm.mapper.model.FieldDescriptor
fieldName: uuid
uuid: true
class: org.apache.jackrabbit.ocm.mapper.model.FieldDescriptor
fieldName: name
jcrName: name
class: org.apache.jackrabbit.ocm.mapper.model.FieldDescriptor
fieldName: cardNumber
jcrName: cardNumber