The projects I've made in python over the years for fun
3D_Graphics - implementations of 3D graphics made from scratch
Cave_Generation - generates a random cave with a movable character and light occlusion effects
Deep_Learning - a feed-forward neural network built to classify characters drawn by the mouse
Elective - work and project done for a school elective
Flock - simulates flock mechanics of birds/fish
Fluid_Sim - simulates diffusion of a gas/liquid
Handwriting_Recognition_old - classifies characters drawn by the mouse
Learn_To_Fly - genetic algorithm where 2D "birds" learn how to fly
Noise_Generation - heightmap/noise generation: alternative method to perlin noise
Pendulum - physics simulation of a pendulum
Snowflake_Generator - generates random snowflake visualisations
Solar_System - (personal favourite!) physics simulation of celestial bodies
Stars - 3D visualisation of Earth's nearest stars, using real data