This is a flutter project which heavily depends on clean archeticute and state management using provider change notifier and bloc pattern
this app isn't completed yet and might not be completed at all it's just for practice
2 Branches:
1- Bloc Pattern : (master branch) this branch shows the different layers of the application (data , domain , bloc & representation) layers 2- Provider Pattern : (provider branch) this branch shows the power the simplicity of using provider with change notifire
Both bracnhes uses: 1- http package to make network requets 2- sqfilte to store data locally 3- firebase auth and firestore to store the user data 4- shared preferences to store key-value data mainly about the user 5- material design with svg flutter, carousel slider and smooth rating bar
App Features: 1- Firebase Auth(Register, Login and gmail) 2- Pagination with bloc and rxdart 3- Cart Page to handle different states 4- Home page showing different types of data 5- Bottom Bar with back stack handeling