About | Upgrades | Technologies | Tools | Installation | Screenshots | License
The BeTheHero aims to bring together entities in need, to users willing to help them. The backend consists of a Rest API running on a NodeJS server. The frontend was made with React and the mobile app with React Native. This project was implemented during the Semana Omni Stack #11 of Rocketseat.
The following changes were made after the RocketSeat project was completed:
- Display of a spinner on the request buttons and loading the cases.
- Migration of CSS modules to Styled-components.
- Added a confirmation to exclude cases.
- Application of a mask in the whatsapp field of the NGO register.
- Use of the IBGE API to fill in the uf and city fields in the NGO register.
- Sending an email to confirm the registration of NGOs.
- Password recovery.
- Authentication by email and password.
- Creating a favicon.
- Javascript
- Node.js
- Express
- Knex
- SQLite
- ReactJS
- React Native
- Celebrate
- Expo
- Axios
- Jest
- NodeMailer
- Styled-Components
The following software must be installed:
$ git clone https://github.com/maiquelp/beTheHero.git
- π¦ API
$ cd backend
# Dependencies install.
$ npm install
# Data base creation.
$ npm run knex:migrate
# API start
$ npm run dev
- π» Web app
$ cd frontend
# Dependencies install.
$ npm install
# Running web app
$ npm run dev
- π± Mobile app
$ cd mobile
# Dependencies install.
$ npm install
# Running mobile app
$ npm start
- Frontend
- Mobile
This project is under the MIT license.