The application provides realtime Question Answer session for live classes hosted from youtube.
git clone
npm install
npm start
- As Instructor navigate to http://localhost:3000
- from instructor page ,instructor has to provide the question number/id he wants to activate in the input field
- then instructor need to click question ready button to brodcast message to students that the question is coming up
- Next Activate question will be clicked . This will activate the question on the students page
- Then Instructor can Deactivate the question and student will get the notification about their answer.
- Intructor will get the visualization of Answer statistics in Instructir page.
- As student will navigate to http://localhost:3000/16.html
- Students need to put his/her name to participate in question Answer session if using for the 1st time . Otherwise it will pick from the local staorage
- When student gets the question they can fill out the answer and submit
- Student will get the feedback if the answer is right or not
Take EC2 Ubuntu Server
Make TCP port 80,443, 3000 open from ssh to EC2 instance from a Terminal and follow below steps
Install Node
cd Downloads
curl -o- | bash
. ~/.nvm/
nvm install node
- Copy the git repository
mkdir QnA
cd QnA
git clone
cd AvetiLearning-charts
npm install
npm start
Make sure you can access "ec2url:3000"
sudo apt-get install apache2
cd /etc/apache2/sites-available/
cp ~/QnA/AvetiLearning-charts/ ~your_site~.conf
sudo a2ensite ~your_site~.conf
sudo a2enmod proxy_http
sudo a2enmod proxy_wstunnel
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:certbot/certbot
sudo apt install python-certbot-apache
sudo certbot --apache -d -d
sudo certbot renew --dry-run
sudo systemctl restart apache2
Setup is completed.
Now Go to and you should see the administrator page...
Use PM2 to start , monitor and auto restart if node server fails
npm install pm2 -g
cd ~/QnA/AvetiLearning-charts
pm2 start server.js
pm2 list
cd ~/QnA/AvetiLearning-charts
git pull //pull latest code
npm install //install the requirements
npm start // start the node server using Node
-- or --
pm2 restart 0