This writes in React Native. I tried to used the best practices in React Native such concern separation in (logic and component) to develop this skeleton. So we can extend this skeleton into the large scale application
- React Native
- TypeScript
- React Navigation
- Redux
- Hooks
yarn start
yarn android
npx pod-install
yarn ios
yarn test
The scrucure of src
directory in the project are:
├── components
├── atomics # This contains the components that has only single responsibilities. So, they just render an UI element
├── screens # Each directory inside this directory contain component related to specific screen. So for the each screen we have a directory here. like item of employees list
├── data # Hold the static data here, etc employees list
├── hooks # Hold the hooks here, each file contain hooks with related logics. Each hooks should start with `use` key word
├── navigation # Navigation of application like Stack and Tabs are here
├── screens # Put the screen UI. each concern has a directory here with related screen. For example in UserForm directory we have two screen for the complete user date in two steps form
├── services # All services are under this directory
├── store # Each separated concern has a dir in this dir that contains actions, reducer, constants, saga
├── styles # Put the shared Js objects like colors, typography here
├── types # Define global Type-Script type definition.
As most of React Native application, This project use's React Navigation for the routing between differnece screens. Official documents of react-native mentioned:
React Navigation provides a straightforward navigation solution, with the ability to present common stack navigation and tabbed navigation patterns on both Android and iOS.
For the state management I used Redux as a famous state management in the React based projects. Based of Logrocket article about Redux
Redux is a predictable state container designed to help you write JavaScript apps that behave consistently across client, server, and native environments and are easy to test.
React Native has some UI fretworks like:
- Native Base
- React Native Elements
- Shoutem
- UI Kitten
In this project I prefer to don't use UI frameworks, because for the large scale projects with custom UI design I recommend to develop all UI element in scratch. You can develop your UI elements as new component into the atomics directory.
For the hold user data and their group I hold the data into the redux and persist them with redux-persist package. For the security concerns you can add encrypt redux-persist-transform-encrypt.
Formik is the most powerful packages for the handling forms in React based project. For the react-native project we compose react-native-formik and recompose package to create each filed types like Location, Image, TextInput and etc.
For add Splash to Ios project I only change the LaunchScreen.storyboard file. For android side I used React Native Splash to configure and show/hide the splash layout in the MainActivity.
There is some steps before publish this developed application to the market
- Remove all console statement in the code. For this purpose you can use babel-plugin-transform-remove-console.
- Squash Images.
- Remove Default Android Permissions.
- Consider Enabling ProGuard & Hermes Engine.
- Check Startup Speed for Performance Issues.
- Use react-native-config for multi stage deployment.
- Config analytics tools like Firebase and crashlytics.
- Install and config Fastlane deploy tool