The assignment is to write a program that finds at least one tour for a chess piece on a 10-by-10 chessboard. A tour is a path for a piece to visit all tiles on the board, following a set of rules for movement. Assume the piece can start in any tile. The four rules of movement for the piece are: a) The piece can move 3 spaces either North, East, South, or West. b) The piece can move 2 spaces diagonally: Northeast, Southeast, Southwest, or Northwest. c) Each space can only be visited once.
The problem is solved using H C Warnsdorff's technique which does the following:
- Start from any tile and mark it as visited.
- To decide the next tile in path, look at all possible unmarked tiles based on moving rules.
- Rank each possibility by the number of next moves from that tile.
- Move to any tile with the lowest rank.
- Add chosen tile to piece's tour path (i.e marked) and repeat the process from last chosen tile.
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.
All dependencies are mentioned in build.gradle
Install java 8
Install gradle 5.5
To build the project
gradle clean build
And to run the application
gradle run
Sample Output
mak@pop-os:~/MEGAsync/mak/project/PieceTour$ gradle run
> Task :run
Type grid size (Ex: 100 will be of 10 * 10):
Run in Debug Mode (Y or N):
Furnishing Chess Board before tour:
The size of the chessboard grid
<RESULT>Furnishing Chess Board after tour:
|60|26|15|65|25|14| 66|24|13|67|
| 5|95|58| 4|94|89| 3|73|88| 2|
|16|36|61|91|52|64| 92|68|50|23|
|59|27|41|98|57|72| 99|56|12|74|
| 6|96|53|35|93|90| 51|76|87| 1|
|17|37|62|84|42|63| 85|69|49|22|
| 7|81|43|34|80|83| 33|77|86|32|
|18|38|46|19|39|47| 20|70|48|21|
|44|29| 8|82|30| 9| 79|31|10|78|
Number of Positions visited 100
started with Row:4~~Column: 9
2 actionable tasks: 1 executed, 1 up-to-date
To run the tests
gradle test
The test report will be available in /build/reports/tests/test/index.html
Execute below command to generate a idea Intellij project:
gradle idea
Execute below command to get an executable jar file under project /build/libs folder
gradle shadowJar
Execute below command to execute as java application without scala dependencies from /build/libs location
java -jar TrueCaller-1.0-all.jar
Sample output
mak@pop-os:~/MEGAsync/mak/project/PieceTour/build/libs$ java -jar TrueCaller-1.0-all.jar
Type grid size (Ex: 100 will be of 10 * 10):
Run in Debug Mode (Y or N):
Furnishing Chess Board before tour:
The size of the chessboard grid
<RESULT>Furnishing Chess Board after tour:
| 2|32|39|17|33|38|80|34|37| 81|
|29|19| 4|30|69| 5|53|68| 6| 54|
|40|16| 1|41|91|78|36|94|79| 35|
| 3|31|72|18|52|73|83|55|60| 82|
|28|20|50|75|70|95|90|67| 7| 99|
|43|15|26|42|92|77|59|93|88| 56|
|24|46|71|85|51|74|84|98|61| 11|
|27|21|49|76|65|96|89|66| 8|100|
|44|14|25|45|13|86|58|12|87| 57|
|23|47|64|22|48|63| 9|97|62| 10|
Number of Positions visited 100
started with Row:2~~Column: 2
- Gradle - Dependency Management
- Aravind Kumar Murugaiyan - Initial work - mak-aravind