Polar is a game for Bitbox where you are a particle and you can change your polarity to go through mazes.
This game has been inspired by Polarity, a game written for ludum dare 23 by @nornagon
http://nornagon.net/games/polarity/ https://github.com/nornagon/polarity
This game (code, GFX, sounds) is (c) Makapuf 2015, written in a day for the Bitbox Console
Code is 200 lines of C Tools used : gimp, tiled, C editor, bitbox SDK
small anims (intro : up/dn,loose : ejecte, win : ascend, chage color : flash sprite) ? (avec sprite)
transition between screens : diagonal animation/transition change of tiles alternating poles ?
sound / SfX !
cache charges lvl pour + rapide
intermediary text levels / animation intro
more levels