When your program panic, notify a message to your server (eg: slack)
use rs-notifier::notification::{Notification, MessageBuilder, PanicCatcher};
use rs-notifier::slack_notify::SlackNotify;
struct CustomMessageBuilder;
impl MessageBuilder for CustomMessageBuilder {
fn build(&self, name: &str)->String {
format!("test, test, test, {}", name)
fn main() {
let slack = SlackNotify::new("YOUR SLACK INCOMING WEBHOOK URL");
let messagebuilder = CustomMessageBuilder{};
let notif = Notification::new(slack, messagebuilder);
let panicCatcher = PanicCatcher::new("123", notif);
// or when use in thread
fn main() {
let slack = SlackNotify::new("YOUR SLACK INCOMING WEBHOOK URL");
let messagebuilder = CustomMessageBuilder{};
let notif = Notification::new(slack, messagebuilder);
let panicCatcher = PanicCatcher::new("123", notif);
let handler = std::thread::spawn(move || panicCatcher.notification.catch("thread name", ||{
// your thread code
You can customize the notifier by implementing rs-notifier::notification::Notifier
pub struct SlackNotify {
pub url: String
impl Notifier for SlackNotify {
fn notify(&self, message: &str) {
if &self.url == "" {
let _ = ureq::post(&self.url)
.set("Content-Type", "application/json")
.set("Accept", "application/json")
"text": "server crash",
"mrkdwn_in": ["text"],
"color": "#DD2248",
"text": message,