Daemon to connect NGT-1/YDNU to SocketCAN
Usage: n2kvcd <path_to_NGT-1/YDNU_device> <name_of_CAN_interface> [D]
e.g. n2kvcd /dev/ttyUSB1 can0
Optional 'D' as third argument to run in foreground rather than as a daemon.
NB: The Yacht Devices YDNU unconditionally forwards all PGNs, whereas the Actisense NGT-1 requires each PGN to be enabled. This can be done using "NMEA Reader" from Actisense - a Windows program (that will run in Wine)
Building & running requires the shared library libmnd to be installed. See: github.com/victronenergy/libmnd
Building: cc -o n2kvcd n2kvcd.c -lmnd -pthread