Rymthize is a web based application that enabels you to transfer your music between music streaming services. This project is an end-of-foundations project, required by Holberton School.
- Blog post about our journey HERE
- Linkdin profile: Malek Salem
- Our deployed API: https://rythmize.herokuapp.com/
- our API documentation : API docs
- Install requirements
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
- Setup .env file
SECRET_KEY= secret_key_here
DEV_DATABASE_URI = link_to_database
PROD_DATABASE_URI= link_to_production_database (optional in case of development)
MAIL_SERVER= your_smtp_mail_server
MAIL_USERNAME= mail_username
MAIL_PASSWORD= mail_password
MAIL_PORT= mail_port
MAIL_DEFAULT_SENDER = mail_default_sender
CLIENT_ID = spotify_client_id
CLIENT_SECRET= spotify_client_secret
- Init database
$ ./init_db.sh
- Run App
$ python3 manager.py runserver
* Serving Flask app "rythmize" (lazy loading)
* Environment: development
* Debug mode: on
* Running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)
* Restarting with stat
* Debugger is active!
* Debugger PIN: 260-463-794
- Run App in shell mode
$ python3 manager.py shell
In [1]: your command
run.py is used only for production
Contribution is open for everyone.
Rythmize frontend repository