Degree: COMS
Description: Recent work in compositional reinforcement learning has demonstrated how to combine skills to solve tasks specified using Boolean algebra operators. However, the algorithm to do so uses standard Q-learning with epsilon greedy exploration. One aspect of the algorithm is the way the agent decides on which goal to explore, which is currently done in a greedy fashion. In this project, we propose extending this algorithm to incorporate different ways of goal selection, such as through uniform random or bandit-based strategies. This project also involves the creation of a virtual environment in Unity or mujoco-worldgen.
Tags/topics: Reinforcement learning, deep reinforcement learning, game design
- Explore only
- Exploit only
- ε-greedy (Epsilon greedy)
- UCB (Upper Confidence Bound)
- EXP4
- Softmax
- Optimistic initialization
- Intrinsic rewards
- Q-map
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- Tasse, Geraud Nangue, Steven James, and Benjamin Rosman. A Boolean Task Algebra for Reinforcement Learning. Neurips 2020.
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- Zhang, Taidong, Xianze Li, Xudong Li, Guanghui Liu, and Miao Tian. "Reinforcement Learning based Strategy Selection in StarCraft: Brood War." In Proceedings of the 2020 Artificial Intelligence and Complex Systems Conference, pp. 121-128. 2020.