Reads a single file (files of an directory, one by one), encodes it with base64 and transfers it via "mos call FS.Put" (RPC) to the Mongoose-OS driven device The lines are transferred one by one, so there is no problem with any chunk size limits. If a directory name is given as source, it will transfer all allowed files found in the driectory.
Allowed file types: (MIME)
- application/x-gzip
- text/html
- text/plain
- text/css
- text/javascript
- text/json
- application/octet-stream
- image/svg
- "src" might be a file or a directory
- "dest" has to be a single diretory name e.g."/mnt"
Use at your own risk! (see license disclaimer). Publisehd under the MIT license.