Image Processing algoritms.
Run Code In Matlab.
To demonstrate working of Basic Image Processing Functions.
Write a MATLAB Script to demonstrate working of Image Arithmetic.
Write a MATLAB Script to demonstrate working of Affine Transformation.
Write a MATLAB Scripts for the following Point Processing Operation
4.1) Image Negative.
4.2) Image Thresholding.
4.3) Image Brightness & Contrast Modification.
4.4) Log Transformation.
4.5) Power Law Transformation.
4.6) Contrast Stretching.
4.7) Intensity Slicing and Bit Plane Slicing.
Write a MATLAB Script for Image Histogram Equalization (With and Without histeq() function).
Write a MATLAB Script for Image Restoration.
Write a MATLAB Script for Following Neighbourhood Operations. [(Linear Filtering) (Non Linear Filtering) (Non Linear Filtering Min Filter) (Non Linear Filtering Max Filter)].
Write a MATLAB Script for Fourier Transform.
Write a MATLAB Script for Frequency Domain Filters.
Write a MATLAB Script for illustrating Color Image Processing.
Write a MATLAB Script for Morphological Operations.
Write a MATLAB Script for Image Segmentation.