MD-playground is a Python-based molecular dynamics (MD) simulation engine designed for simplicity and extensibility. The engine is capable of simulating:
- Simulations of single particles in various potentials.
- Dynamics in both NVE (microcanonical) and NVT (canonical) ensembles.
- Advanced enhanced sampling techniques like Metadynamics.
- Integrators:
- Velocity Verlet for time integration.
- Thermostats:
- Optional temperature control for NVT ensemble.
- Potentials:
- Predefined potentials, including Harmonic and Double-Well.
- Enhanced Sampling:
- Metadynamics to accelerate rare event sampling.
Clone the repository:
git clone
cd MD-playground
Run the simulation with:
python --animation --potential double_well --positions 1.75 --save_file animation.mp4
ffmpeg -i animation.mp4 -vf "fps=30,scale=640:-1:flags=lanczos" animation.gif