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						I. 		How To / Q&A
						II. 	Documentation
						III.	Conventions
						IV.		Controlled (Domain specifc) Vocabulary
						V.		OS Requirements (Specificities)
						VI.		Known Bugs
						VII. 	Tests
						VIII.	Future Features


			 |_)  _   _  |  ._ _   _. ._ |    \    / _  ._ |  |_   _  ._   _ |_  
			 |_) (_) (_) |< | | | (_| |  |<    \/\/ (_) |  |< |_) (/_ | | (_ | |

			 	:: Questions, concerns, feature requests, bugs?

			 			@github: 	egman24
			 			@skype:		erglassman


[How To / Q&A]:

	* Useful *

	>> How do I run the application?

				Be sure you have Java SDK 6 installed...

				Navigate to 'Bookmark_Workbench/Source_Code/'

					1st: Compile (or just run the latest bytecode)
					2nd: From CLI, execute --> > javac BookmarkWorkbench

	* Borderline Useless *

	>> How did I produce the application title ascii font in this readme?

	>> What kind of music did I listen to during development?

				-->  The Magnetic Fields 
				     "Wayward Bus"



	See Documentation directory for more detailed information on:
		1. PMX ("Poor Man's Extensible Markup Language") 
			See 'Bookmark_Workbench/Documentation/PMX_Documentation.txt'
				-- This is the homebrewed markup language I use to encode program input and storage.
		2. Browser and plugin suggestions and requrements
			See 'Bookmark_Workbench/Documentation/BrowserAndPlugin_Documentation.txt'

				-- 'TabInfoCopy' and Chrome are your best friends for the first iteration of Bookmark Workbench.

		3. Requirements
			See 'Bookmark_Workbench/Documentation/Requirements_*'

				-- Logs of requirements documentation and project comments, titled by date.



	* A 'Session File' should be titled as follows:

                    -   - - -
                    |   | | |
                 Year   | | |
                        | | |
                    Month | |
                          | |
                        Day |
 			  Time (military)	

 	* A 'Session File' should have >=1 'URL Objects' in the proper format:

 			See 'Bookmark_Workbench/Documentation/PMX_Documentation.txt'

 			--> The title and URL can be extracted using 'TabInfoCopy'

 				See 'Bookmark_Workbench/Documentation/BrowserAndPlugin_Documentation.txt'

 	* Categories in manifest should be formatted for proper parsing, as follows:

 		[[Category]]one, two, three, four, five[[/Category]]
        ------------   --					   -------------
 		|              |                       |
 		|			   |					   |
 		Open tag       |                       |
 					   (", ") between elements |
 					   						   Close tag

 	* Todos in manifest should be formatted for proper parsing, as follows:

 		[[ToDo]]*one, *two, *three, *four, *five, *six, *seven, *eight, *nine[[/ToDo]]
 		--------    --                            ----                       ---------
 		|			|                             |				             |
 		|			|		                      |							 |	
 		Open tag    |		                      |							 |
 					(", ") between elements	      |							 |
 							                      |							 |	
 							                      (*) connected to elements  |
 							                      							 Close tag

 	* Notes in manifest should be formatted for proper parsing, as follows:

 		[[Notes]]Note to self: This is a note![[/Notes]]
 		---------                             ----------
 		|									  |
 		|									  |
 		Open tag  							  |
 											  Close tag


[Controlled (Domain specific) Vocabulary]:

	Entities, Objects and Elements

    "Session File"

    "Url Object" 

    	found in -- Session File, 
    	makes up -- UrlCard attributes


	'Manifest Parser'

		1. [loads] or [creates blank] '*_main_manifest'
		2. [reads] each line and determines LineType
		3. [creates] 'UrlCards' in the running program's working memory 
			--> from "Url Objects" in the '*_main_manifest'(persistant state manifest)

			^^ also triggered by Session Parser when new Objects are added to the '*_main_manifest', runs method with logic to only load new files (similar to db migrations with date stamps?) ^^

	'Category Parser'

		^^ triggered by Manifest Parser ^^

		1. [loads] or [creates blank] '*_category_manifest'
		2. [reads] each line and only passes 'Category' data
		3. [creates] 'CategoryCards' in the running program's working memory 
			--> from '[[Category]]' in the '*_main_manifest'(persistant state manifest)

	'Todo Parser'

		^^ triggered by Manifest Parser ^^

		1. [loads] or [creates blank] '*_todo_manifest'
		2. [reads] each todo (title and url) while iterating through UrlObject
		3. [creates] 'TodoList' in the running program's working memory 
			--> from '[[ToDo]]' in the '*_main_manifest'(persistant state manifest)

	'Session Parser'

		1. [loads] a user "Session File" 
		2. [reads] each line and determines LineType
		3. [appends] each "Url Object" in proper format to '*_main_manifest'

			^^ triggers Manifest Parser to run again (only adding new "Url Objects") ^^

	'User Parser'

	'Note Parser'

	File Names/File Types

	%%%%%    These files are created throughout the program's lifecycle on your machine.    


		--Created when the program is first run
		--Remains on your system until manually removed.

		--A file with all previously registered user names. 
			--Used to reference )
			--User names stored with linebreaks?
		--[Created/Updated] 			by: UserParser


		--Created when 
		--Remains on your system until manually removed.
		-- A file with  , 
			--Used to pull user data from persistant state to working memory
		--[Created] 					by: Manifest Parser
		--[Updated]						by: Session Parser
		--[Brought into working memory] by: Manifest Parser


		--Created when 
		--Remains on your system until manually removed.

		--[Created] 					by: Category Parser
		--[Updated]						by: Session Parser
		--[Brought into working memory] by: Category Parser


		--Created when 
		--Remains on your system until manually removed.

		--[Created] 					by: Todo Parser
		--[Updated]						by: Session Parser
		--[Brought into working memory] by: ToDo Parser


[OS Requirements (Specificities)]:

	Bookmark Workbench has been written and tested in Linux(Ubuntu 10.10).

	Some directory/file structure/CLI nuances may be different when using OSX or Windows.


[Known Bugs]:

	//Assigned to:
	//Status: [Open | In Progress(by whom?) | Resolved] (Date: )




[Future Features]:

	A list of features I would like implemented after the initial requirements are met:


	Build browser plugins which can save session automatically in correct format.
			* The plugin should:

				--> Save all open tabs to a 'History' directory, in proper format. 
					(see [Conventions] section above)
				--> Open up (popover window) an inline editor for user to add markup to the saved 'URLs'
				--> Execute the 'Bookmark Workbench' program,
					and add new 'Session File' to the 'Bookmark Workbench Main Manifest File'

			* Plugins should be available for Chrome, FireFox, IE, and any other widely used browser.


	GUI for working with Bookmark Workbench (allow CLI use, but suppliment with GUI views).
			* The GUI should allow for rich designs and lens like views into the interlinked references. 

				--> One example could be VenDiagrams which get populated with 'Category' titles 
					--> These overlapping multi-colored circles can add insight into how 'URLs' are interrelated by 'Category' 

			* The ability to create new views into the stored data should be very extensible.
				--> There should be a well documented API for other programmers to use when creating


Bookmark Management Application in Java






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