Explore a full, working code sample of an integration with Stripe Checkout and Customer Portal. Also Paypal wallet Checkout with card options.
This all has been made using php, paypal sdk and stripe-php
- paypal client id
- paypal plan id
- go to paypal https://www.sandbox.paypal.com/mep/dashboard
- set all your business details
- go to https://www.sandbox.paypal.com/billing/subscriptions
- add plans
- open .env file
- add below details to .env
PAYPAL_CLIENT_ID = #paypal client key
PLAN_ID = #plan if for a product which needs subsription
ORDER_ID= {any integer number}
CANCEL_URL= {http://localhost}
RETURN_URL= {http://localhost}
- save .env file
- Open terminal (command prompt)
- CD to stripe folder inside project
run composer update
- stripe api key
- stripe lookup_key of product
- go to [https://dashboard.stripe.com/test/apikeys] for api keys
- go to https://dashboard.stripe.com/test/products?active=true to create products
- go to below url to get plan lookup id
- [https://dashboard.stripe.com/test/products?active=true]
- then select product
- select pricing
- find Lookup Key there
- open .env file
- add below details to .env
API_KEY=#stripe api key
LOOKUP_KEY=#look up key for a product which needs subsription
RETURN_URL= {http://localhost}
- save .env file
php -S
3. Go to [http://localhost:4242](http://localhost:4242)