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Barber Shop

He wants you to create a booking system that will allow his customers to book an appointment with a barber of their preference. 
he can't really gather any information on customer's satisfaction, send them reminders or collect any other useful metrics to boost his business...

With that said, I guess we should start with helping him! We first begin by splitting the work into smaller chunks, because, you know...agile! We then mix in some priority and call them phases. So, let's start!


Helping every barber who want him to have a online presence in this competitive world.

Build status

Build status of continus integration To be added


title title title title title ##Live Demo To be added

Tech/framework used

Built with

  • Java
  • Spring Boot
  • Spring Framework
  • REST
  • Swagger
  • Docker
  • Mongo DB
  • Junit
  • Mockito
  • log4j2


Helping out all the barbers out there who cannot invest money.(It contains only one part of the full application i.e. API )

Phase 1

  • In this first phase, the least that we can do is to appoint the customer a barber that is available. Each booking must claim a time slot of 30 minutes.

Phase 2

  • The customer can either pick a time slot where he will be able to see which barber is available or be able to select a barber and see his schedule. The barbers should be ordered by experience_level. It's up to you what defaults you choose, but hey Edwin does care about the customer journey, or as he likes to call it, "The clever stuff"!

Phase 3

  • As a customer, I want to receive a reminder 1 hour before my appointment.

Additional Futures

  • Shop page is configurable i.e. user shop owner can add more stores(all other entities will work around the shop id)
  • Services are added from the api side , but ui its penning
  • The user will get email after booking confirmation

Technical features

  • added with swagger support [Host]/api/swagger-ui.html
  • added with docker configuration to be deployed to dev and prod
  • added


Provide step by step series of examples and explanations about how to get a development env running.

Multiple ways to run the application

  • Docker way

I have created two scripts & two bat files After in the root

sh ./   #this is for local dev(port :8088)
sh ./       #this for prod env(port:8080)


chmod +x


./mvnw.cmd clean install
docker-compose -f docker-compose-dev.yml up -d --build

port can be update by docker compose file/ .env file in root.

To check the code ide like Intelij or Eclipse , lombok is to be installed

###Other way

  • Java
  • Maven
  • IDE(optional)


Thank you all who like my project. title

Anything else that seems useful


MIT © Manoj Mallick