A Viber bot designed to help people in Greece send the required message to go out during Covid-19 measures. This project was developed in Typescript using NodeJS viber-bot package.
*Disclaimer:* Do not show the message from this bot to any authority check, it holds no real life value. Send to 13033 instead.
The bot prompts the user for all required information and displays final message along with latest information of daily Covid-19 cases in Greece. Cases numbers were pooled from Coronavirus Greece API developed by volunteers of COVID-19 Response Greece.
First of all clone this repository.
git clone https://github.com/manosvek/metakinesis
cd metakinesis/
Then install dependencies.
npm i --save @types/node node-fetch viber-bot
Compile Typescript files.
npm run build
Run index.js providing environmental variables for bot account token and expose URL.
BOT_ACCOUNT_TOKEN=<your-token> EXPOSE_URL=<your-URL> node index.js
(Note) You can use ngrok to tunnel a local port to an https url. Default port is 3000, otherwise you have to provide PORT environmental variable.
ngrok http 3000
If you have any questions/suggestions/want-to-say-hi please feel free to reach out! 🤙