This project implements a software system that allows the interface of the old system to be used as the new interface and is able to convert these two interfaces.
A company has two systems to access customer data. One is the new and developed system and the other one is the old legacy system. The old system access the customer data using USB connection to get the customer data from some binary files. The new system access the customer data using REST API over HTTPS connection to an external server. This project implements a software system that allows the interface of the old system to be used as the new interface and is able to convert these two interfaces.
This project uses the object adapter pattern, which converts the interface of a class into another interface that the clients expect to have. This structural pattern lets classes work together that could not otherwise because of incompatible interfaces.
This application has the following participants:
- Interfaces
- CustomerData (Target)
- CustomerDataOverHttps (Adaptee)
- Implementations
- CustomerDataConcrete (implements Target interface)
- CustomerDataOverHttpsConcrete (implements Adaptee interface)
- UsbToHttpsCustomerDataAdapter (adapter implements Target interface)
- Robustness: Its frequent use for multiple targeted classes promotes robustness at the same time.
- Flexibility: A single Adapter works with many Adaptees.
- Reusability: It creates a reusable class that cooperates with unrelated or unforeseen classes.
- Information Hiding: The wrapped object, i.e., adaptee isn’t aware of the adapter.
We use Apache Maven to compile and run this project.
You need to install Apache Maven ( on your system.
Type on the command line:
mvn clean compile
mvn clean compile assembly:single
mvn -q clean compile exec:java -Dexec.executable="edu.bu.met.cs665.Main"
mvn clean compile test checkstyle:check spotbugs:check
To see bug detail using the Findbugs GUI, use the following command "mvn findbugs:gui"
Or you can create a XML report by using
mvn spotbugs:gui
mvn spotbugs:spotbugs
mvn spotbugs:check
check goal runs analysis like spotbugs goal, and make the build failed if it found any bugs.
For more info see
SpotBugs is the spiritual successor of FindBugs.
CheckStyle code styling configuration files are in config/ directory. Maven checkstyle plugin is set to use google code style. You can change it to other styles like sun checkstyle.
To analyze this example using CheckStyle run
mvn checkstyle:check
This will generate a report in XML format
and the following command will generate a report in HTML format that you can open it using a Web browser.
mvn checkstyle:checkstyle