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Package adaptlog is a logging abstraction in go. The name of the package is a composition of adapt(adaptive) and log(logging).

The developer uses this abstraction to avoid depending on a specific logging implementation. The package provides an abstraction that covers the standard logging(like in the standard log package) and the leveled logging (like many of them out there).

The simplest way to use adaptlog's logger is by simply implementing a Logger interface like illustrated in the samples of the examples folder.

package main

import (


// MyLogger custom logger implementing the Simple Logger interface
type MyLogger struct {

// Print logging
func (l *MyLogger) Print(args ...interface{}) {

// Printf logging
func (l *MyLogger) Printf(msg string, args ...interface{}) {
    log.Printf(msg, args...)

// Println logging
func (l *MyLogger) Println(args ...interface{}) {

// Panic logging
func (l *MyLogger) Panic(args ...interface{}) {

// Panicf logging
func (l *MyLogger) Panicf(msg string, args ...interface{}) {
    log.Panicf(msg, args...)

// Panicln logging
func (l *MyLogger) Panicln(args ...interface{}) {

// Fatal logging
func (l *MyLogger) Fatal(args ...interface{}) {

// Fatalf logging
func (l *MyLogger) Fatalf(msg string, args ...interface{}) {
    log.Panicf(msg, args...)

// Fatalln logging
func (l *MyLogger) Fatalln(args ...interface{}) {

func main() {

    // configure once

    // use logger
    adaptlog.Simple.Print("Hello World!")