- What chores did you have to do when you were growing up?
- When you were a teenager, what did you and your friends do for fun?
- What are some of the most valuable things you learned from your parents?
- What did your grandparents and great grandparents do for a living?
- When you were growing up, what did you dream you would do with your life?
- What accomplishments in your life are you most proud of?
- What are some of the things you are most grateful for?
- What was the happiest moment of your life?
- How would you like to be remembered?
- Dementia is not a natural part of ageing
- Dementia is caused by diseases of the brain
- It's not just about losing your memory
- People can still live well with dementia -> suggested treatments:
- cognitive stimulation, which might involve doing word puzzles or discussing current affairs
- life story work, sharing memories and experiences with a carer or nurse to create a ‘life story book’
- keeping as active as possible – physically, mentally and socially – which can boost memory and self esteem, and help avoid depression.
- Alzheimer's Society is here for anyone affected by dementia
- general URL: https://calhacks-5.appspot.com/
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- getting one specific patient: https://calhacks-5.appspot.com/<patient_id>
- getting statistics for one patient: https://calhacks-5.appspot.com/patients/<patient_id>/history
- getting recommendations for one patient: https://calhacks-5.appspot.com/patients/<patient_id>/recommendations
- getting questions for patient: https://calhacks-5.appspot.com/patients/<patient_id>/questions
- getting the FAQs: https://calhacks-5.appspot.com/faq