PREVIC: An adaptive parent report measure of expressive vocabulary in children between 3 and 8 years of age
Data and analysis scripts associated with the following paper
Bohn, M., Prein, J., Engicht, J., Haun, D. B. M., Gagarina, N., & Koch, T. (2025). PREVIC: An adaptive parent report measure of expressive vocabulary in children between 3 and 8 years of age. Behavior Research Methods, 57, 95.
Link to task (in German): PREVIC
├── scripts
├── analysis.Rmd <-- all analysis code, including item selection and validity study
├── val_adaptive.Rmd <-- guide for how to reproduce the validation study of the ML estimator used for the adaptive test
├── validate_ML_est <-- files needed for validation
└── visuals.Rmd <-- reproduce figures in paper
├── data <-- data files
└── final_item_list.csv <-- list of items in the PREVIC
├── graphs <-- figures in paper
├── paper <-- reproducible manuscript file
└── saves <-- saved model outputs