A Flutter + SQFLite project that extends the power of the well known note keeper format by allowing to register business ideas thanks to a form that includes a voice recorder.
The input information is based on the famous Business Model Canvas. That way, the user will have an easily generated output to give an initial structure to their business idea.
Feel free to collaborate!
- Basic CRUD
- Basic UI and Navigation
- Basic voice recorder
- Append the records to the textual info
- Extend form to receive more info
- Launcher Icon (thanks to Chris Butler)
- Add Splash page
- Stylish UI
- Make it responsive
- Validate the form
- Improve the voice recorder mechanism (limit their duration, etc)
- Show Canvas Business Model (pull apart the editing from visualization)
More feature ideas are welcome, as well as suggestions and help with the code organization, bug fixes, typos, etc.
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