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Automation Challenge by Apply Digital

Automation technical challenge with JavaScript and Playwright 🎭

About Technologies and Architecture 🚀

The project uses structures for large-scale maintenance, performance and reuse, such as:

  • Javascript: easy-to-understand language, with a low learning curve. It has support for WEB, API and Mobile automations (using Appium)
  • Playwright: performative and modern tool for test automation
  • Page Objects Model: object orientation was used as abstraction, encapsulation and segmentation of responsibilities, we have a gain in the organization and reuse of code in the pages
  • Centralized test data with control structure (factory)
  • Components to maintenance, performance and reuse code
  • Multi-environment configuration (dynamic test data)
  • Parallel execution (playwright bring it ready)
  • Multiple browsers (playwright bring it ready)
  • Deep validations (feature validated as a whole)
  • Real e2e tests -> simulating user
  • Happy and sad flow validation (successful and exceptions)
  • CSS Selector: element mapping

Test Documentation 📚

To know about Test plan, Design, and Strategy: Test Documentation.

Requirements ⚡

VSCode Required Extensions

  • VisualStudioExptTeam.vscodeintellicode
  • EditorConfig.EditorConfig
  • dbaeumer.vscode-eslint
  • esbenp.prettier-vscode

VSCode Recommended Extensions

  • christian-kohler.path-intellisense
  • aaron-bond.better-comments
  • PKief.material-icon-theme
  • oderwat.indent-rainbow
  • Gruntfuggly.todo-tree
  • natqe.reload

Setup ⚙️

Install Browser and Dependencies

  1. Install project dependencies
yarn install
  1. Install playwright dependencies
yarn setup

How to Run 🎡

Test Running

  • Run all tests:
yarn test
  • Run debug mode:
yarn test:debug
  • Run headed mode:
yarn test:headed

View Reports

  • View html report:
yarn report:html
  • View error trace:
yarn report:trace [path/url to]

Test Running Options

  • Specify tag
-g [@tag_you_want]
  • Specify browser
--project [chromium|firefox|webkit]

Dependencies 🔧

Reports 📂

At the end of the execution, the test evidences will be generated in the reports folder.

Besides that, Github Actions is configured with Allure and the reports can be viewed in the description of the project or here.

Some things that could be found in the Allure Report:

  • Video - available only at broken and retries tests (need to access the test suite - check below)
  • Trace - available only at broken and retries tests (need to access the test suite - check below)
  • Metrics
  • Trend
  • Duration

Example available of video and trace on a retried test:

How to access a video or trace in the previous run tests: