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mapme.biodiversity 0.9.0

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@goergen95 goergen95 released this 27 Aug 10:49


  • prep_resources() received additional argument mode to
    get control over the reading mode (e.g. portfolio or asset)

  • resources based on WorldClim now support selecting the spatial
    resolution and cover the historical timeseries starting from 1960 (#302)

  • assets are now chunked into sub-components prior to indicator calculation thus
    parallelization now is applied to a single level (#322)

  • chunk_size now is properly set to 100,000 ha as per documentation (before
    it was set to 10,000 ha) (#324)

  • setting chunk_size=NULL is now allowed and skips chunking (#331)

  • treecover indicators now trough a message if landscapemetrics is not
    installed (#325)

  • setting outdir via mapme_options() now probes the destination by trying
    to write a GTiff file and errors if unsuccessful (#335)

  • code previously using httr now uses httr2 (#330)

  • new resources:

    • get_iucn() (#359)
    • get_chelsa() (#318)
    • get_ipbes_biomes() (#345)
    • get_humanfootprint() (#341)
    • get_gsw_time_series() (#354, @karpfen)
    • get_key_biodiversity_areas() (#349, @karpfen)
    • get_biodiversity_intactness_index() (#351, @karpfen)
    • get_vul_carbon(), get_man_carbon(), and get_irr_carbon() (#339)
  • new indicators:

    • calc_slope() (#355, @fBedecarrats)
    • calc_ipbes_biomes() (#345)
    • calc_humanfootprint() (#341)
    • calc_gsw_time_series() (#354, @karpfen)
    • calc_species_richness() (#359)
    • calc_exposed_population() (#321)
    • calc_precipitation_chelsa() (#318)
    • calc_key_biodiversity_area() (#349, @karpfen)
    • calc_biodiversity_intactness_index() (#351, @karpfen)
    • calc_vul_carbon(), calc_man_carbon(), and calc_irr_carbon() (#339)

Bug fixes

  • fixes transforming asset to the CRS of raster dataset
    in calc_deforestation_drivers() (#300)
  • write_portfolio() now drops indicators with only NULL values instead
    of throwing an error (#303)
  • get_ucdp_ged() now adds SRS infos to the footprints object (#313)
  • uses binary writing mode for worldpop resource on Windows (#319)


  • .check_portfolio() now checks if assetid has unique values and only
    overrides them if this in not the case (#305)
  • .read_raster() now reads values into memory and removes VRT files on-exit (#311)
  • .fetch_resources() now honors both creation and opening options (#315)
  • httr calls are replaced with the respective httr2 equivalents (#329)