This demo showcases the vector search similarity (VSS) capability within Redis Stack and Redis Enterprise. Through the RediSearch module, vector types and indexes can be added to Redis. This turns Redis into a highly performant vector database which can be used for all types of applications.
We explore 4 specific areas of the 'vector database' use cases
Redis has a vast repository of about 700 blogs. We will use this demo to show how to build vector search engine to search through this repository of blogs. We will also explore how to turn document search into a recommendation engine & how to use this repository of blogs in a RAG model to supercharge your LLM.
The easiest way to is to use a docker image using the below command
docker run -d -p 6379:6379 -p 8001:8001 redis/redis-stack:latest
If you do not want to use a docker image, you can sign up for a free Redis Cloud subscription here.
Download the repository
git clone && cd RedisVectorXperience
Prepare and activate the virtual environment
python3 -m venv venv && source venv/bin/activate
Install necessary libraries and dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt
Configure your OPEN AI Key in the .env file
vi .env
python 1_private_docs/
This script will update the blog entries in the redis_blogs.csv file Currently the data is updated till Oct 9, 2023.
If you run this step, please make sure you delete the existing redis_blogs_with_embeddings.csv with pre generated embeddings.
python 2_generate_embeddings/
This script will read the entries from redis_blogs.csv file and generate embeddings for every record using OPEN AI model. This repository already includes the file redis_blogs_with_embeddings.csv with pre generated embeddings. Currently the data is updated till Oct 9, 2023.
Assuming you already have a redis database running (redis-stack or redis enterprise), execute the below script to load the data into redis.
python 3_load_embeddings/ -reload
This script will
- Load all the documents and their respective embeddings into redis
- Create a index on all these documents to enable vector search
- Create a index to enable semantic search in the future
Run the UI to explore all 4 use cases.
streamlit run 4_ui/0_🔍