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feat: New release with moving up one level #5

feat: New release with moving up one level

feat: New release with moving up one level #5

Workflow file for this run

# Run unit and integration tests for CI
# Build any branch that passes CI as a docker image
# Push a docker image tagged with the git hash and branch name
# For PR's, display the option to deploy to the test env
# For merges to main, display the option to deploy to the dev env
# The environments are configured in the GitHub repo settings
name: CI/CD
- '**'
name: Release all Github packages
# needs: [deploy-to-prod]
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
fetch-depth: 0 # Fetch all history so semantic-release can resolve commits
token: ${{ secrets.CICD_RELEASE_GITHUB_TOKEN }}
- name: Install yq
uses: mikefarah/yq@master
cmd: ""
- name: Parse semantic-release.yaml
id: release-check
run: |
for key in $(yq e 'keys | .[]' semantic-release.yaml); do
val=$(yq e ".$key" semantic-release.yaml)
echo "$key: $val"
# Write each key=value pair to GitHub Actions output
# so subsequent steps can reference them with steps.release-check.outputs.KEYNAME
echo "$key=$val" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
- name: Reset srvc1 release check
if: steps.release-check.outputs.srvc1 == 'true'
run: |
yq e -i '.srvc1 = false' semantic-release.yaml # set the "srvc1" entry to false
git add .
mkdir -p documentation/templates/documentation/docs/srvc1
rsync -a documentation/templates/.base-changelog-template/ documentation/templates/documentation/docs/srvc1/
- name: Create srvc1 release
if: steps.release-check.outputs.srvc1 == 'true'
uses: python-semantic-release/python-semantic-release@v9.15.2
directory: poweralpha/services/srvc1
changelog: true
commit: true
push: true
tag: true
vcs_release: true
github_token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
- name: Reset srvc2 release check
if: steps.release-check.outputs.srvc2 == 'true'
run: |
git pull
git reset --hard HEAD
yq e -i '.srvc2 = false' semantic-release.yaml # set the "srvc2" entry to false
git add .
mkdir -p documentation/templates/documentation/docs/srvc2
rsync -a documentation/templates/.base-changelog-template/ documentation/templates/documentation/docs/srvc2/
- name: Create srvc2 github release
if: steps.release-check.outputs.srvc2 == 'true'
uses: python-semantic-release/python-semantic-release@v9.15.2
directory: poweralpha/services/srvc2
changelog: true
commit: true
push: true
tag: true
vcs_release: true
github_token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
root_options: "-vv"
- name: Check if any services are marked for release
id: check-any-true
run: |
git pull
git reset --hard HEAD
# This command returns all boolean fields that are set to true.
count=$(yq e '[.. | select(tag=="!!bool" and . == true)] | length' semantic-release.yaml)
if [ "$count" -gt 0 ]; then
echo "There is at least one service set to true (count=$count)."
echo "any_true=true" >> "$GITHUB_OUTPUT"
echo "any_true=false" >> "$GITHUB_OUTPUT"
echo "All services are false."
- name: Revert semantic-release
if: ${{ steps.check-any-true.outputs.any_true == 'true' }}
run: |
# Reverts all to false
yq e -i '(.[] | select(tag == "!!bool")) = false' semantic-release.yaml
# Configure git for committing
git config "github-actions[bot]"
git config "github-actions[bot]"
# Commit and push the change
git commit -am "Revert semantic-release warning [skip ci]"
git push