This reference guide summarizes commonly used Git command line instructions for quick reference
git config --global "[name]"
- sets author for commit messages
git config --global "[email address]"
- sets email for commit messages
git config --global color.ui auto
- enables helpful colorization in command prompt
ssh-keygen -t rsa
- execute command above, It will prompt for file location ~/.ssh/id_rsa. Press Enter & fill passphrase
cat ~/.ssh/
- display public key to consume futher
git init
- creates a new local repository
git clone [url]
- Downloads the project with its history
git status
- status of your working directory
git add [file]
- adds the file to staging area
git add .
- add all files to staging area
git commit -m "[message]"
- records snapshot in version history
git reset [file]
- unstage the file but preserves its changes
git branch
- list all local branches in current repository
git branch -r
- list all remote branches in current repository
git branch [branch name]
- creates a new local branch
git checkout -b [branch name]
- creates and checkout new local branch
git branch -d [branch name]
- deletes a local branch
git remote update origin
- updates history of remote branches
git pull
- fetch all the changes from remote and merge them in local branch
git push -u origin [branch name]
- creates a new branch in remote and sets the tracking with local branch
git push origin --delete [branch name]
- deletes a remote branch
git push origin [branch name]
- pushes local changes to remote branch
git merge [branch name]
- merge changes from the specified branch into current branch
git mergetool
- initialize merge tool in case of conflicts
git rebase [branch name]
- rebase current branch on the specified branch
git gui
- opens the basic gui for git
- shows history tree for current branch
gitk --all
- shows history tree for whole repository
git tag
- list all the available tags
git tag -l "v1.0.*"
- search for the tags(allow us to use wildcard characters)
git tag -a v1.x -m "tagging message"
- creates an annoated tag
git tag v1.x
- creates a lightweight tag
git show v1.x
- shows a tag
git tag v1.x <commit>
git tag -a v1.x <commit>
- allows us to add tag later