A platform to find orphanages to visit built with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, TypeScript, React, Node.js, Express.js, SQLite, React Native, and Expo.
OmniStack with Diego Fernandes
Chrome Extension "JSON Viewer"
Representational state transfer (REST)
Object–relational mapping (ORM)
Schema migration (also database migration)
Gerenciando variáveis ambiente no NodeJS
◾ creat react project adding typescript from terminal:
yarn create react-app web --template typescript
npx create-react-app web --template typescript
◾ open the project from terminal:
cd web
code .
◾ run the project from terminal:
yarn start
npm start
◾ install react icons:
yarn add react-icons
npm install react-icons
◾ install react router:
yarn add react-router-dom
yarn add @types/react-router-dom -D
npm install react-router-dom
npm install @types/react-router-dom -D
◾ install leaflet and react-leaflet:
yarn add leaflet react-leaflet
yarn add @types/react-leaflet -D
🚨 *hiding your mapbox public token 🚨
*to avoid to push to GitHub or any other repository
- create a
file insideweb
- create the variable "REACT_APP_MAPBOX_TOKEN" inside the
file and your public token;
- add the
file to the.gitignore
◾ create backend
folder from terminal:
mkdir backend
cd backend
◾ create package.json
file from terminal:
yarn init -y
◾ install Express:
yarn add express
yarn add @types/express -D
◾ add Typescript:
yarn add typescript -D
yarn tsc --init
◾ change tsconfig.json
"target": "es2017",
◾ install ts-node-dev:
yarn add ts-node-dev -D
◾ add to package.json
"scripts": {
"dev": "ts-node-dev --transpile-only --ignore-watch node_modules src/server.ts"
◾ run the project from terminal:
yarn dev
to confirm if is running:
◾ install Insomnia Core:
◾ install TypeORM and SQLite:
yarn add typeorm sqlite3
create a database
folder inside src
create a database.sqlite
file inside database
create an ormconfig.json
file inside backend
folder and copy the text below:
"type": "sqlite",
"database": "./src/database/database.sqlite"
create a connection.ts
file inside database
create a migrations
folder inside database
◾ configure TypeORM to work with TypeScript:
add to package.json
file on "scripts" the text below:
"typeorm": "ts-node-dev ./node_modules/typeorm/cli.js"
and run TypeORM:
yarn typeorm
now the commands will be like that:
cli.js schema:sync
cls.js schema:log
◾ configuration to enable database migration:
add to ormconfig.json
the text below:
"migrations": [
"cli": {
"migrationsDir": "./src/database/migrations"
create the migration create_orphanages
yarn typeorm migration:create -n create_orphanages
create tables using the database migration method and TypeORM:
yarn typeorm migration:run
view the database created:
create a models
folder (is a representation of each database table as a class)
create a model Orphanage.ts
file inside models
🚨 reverting the process in migration to add "opening_hours" field:
yarn typeorm migration:revert
add to the file <timestamp>-create_orphanages.ts
inside migrations
folder the text below between the fileds "instructions" and "open_on_weekends":
name: 'opening_hours',
type: 'varchar'
create the table again using the database migration method and TypeORM:
yarn typeorm migration:run
◾ enable and configure the tsconfig.json
file property below:
"strictPropertyInitialization": false,
◾ enable the tsconfig.json
file properties below:
"experimentalDecorators": true,
"emitDecoratorMetadata": true,
◾ how to populate the orphanages' database:
start the app (backend
(on Windows: C:\...\backend>
yarn dev
open Insominia
use the method POST with the URL below:
configure the body with the information like the example below and press "Send"
"name": "Jewish Orphanage Berlin-Pankow",
"latitude": 52.5685795,
"longitude": 13.4101369,
"about": "Sobre o orfanato",
"instructions": "Venha visitar",
"opening_hours": "Das 8h até as 18h",
"open_on_weekends": true
◾ add to ormconfig.json
"entities": [
open Insominia again
use the method POST with the URL below:
configure the body with the information like the example below and press "Send"
"name": "Jewish Orphanage Berlin-Pankow",
"latitude": 52.5685795,
"longitude": 13.4101369,
"about": "Sobre o orfanato",
"instructions": "Venha visitar",
"opening_hours": "Das 8h até as 18h",
"open_on_weekends": true
◾ how to list the orphanages' database:
open Insominia again
use the method GET with the URL below and press "Send":
◾ how to list on orphanate from orphanages' database:
open Insominia again
use the method GET with the URL below and press "Send":
◾ create a new table using the database migration method and TypeORM:
! a table to store the name of the orphanages photos' files
yarn typeorm migration:create -n create_images
configure the new migration file (xxxxxxxxxxxxx-create_images.ts
) and run
yarn typeorm migration:run
◾ install a library to work with file upload:
yarn add multer
yarn add @types/multer -D
inside the path ...\backend\src
, create config
folder with upload.ts
file inside
inside the path ...\backend
, create uploads
🚨 When you are using Insomnia and want to make tests uploading images, select the "Multipart" option in the "Body" like the example below.
inside the path ...\backend\src
, create views
folder with orphanages_view.ts
file inside
🚨 With the views you can, for example, return a user registered on DB without showing the password.
create images_view.ts
file inside the views
◾ handling exceptions:
yarn add express-async-errors
inside the path ...\backend\src
, create errors
folder with handler.ts
file inside
◾ install yup:
yarn add yup
yarn add @types/yup -D
before import "ValidationError" from yup:
after import "ValidationError" from yup:
◾ install cors:
yarn add cors
yarn add @types/cors -D
◾ delete all database using Beekeeper Studio:
◾ create one Orphanage using Insomnia:
◾ connecting the front-end to the back-end using axios:
note: alternatively you can use the fetch()
install axios from web folder:
yarn add axios
yarn add @types/axios -D
inside the path ...\web\src
, create services
folder with api.ts
file inside
◾ install Expo CLI:
yarn global add expo-cli
◾ create "mobile" project with Expo CLI:
expo init mobile
choose a template "blank (TypeScript)" and press "enter"
◾ install Expo on your Android mobile
◾ run the project:
cd mobile
yarn start