Restore all ressources from a given domain from the wayback machine for a given time period, group these resources by mimetype and save it to local disk. Functional approach in less than 100 lines of code.
As a side project i tried to restore a old webpage. I found out, that these page is backuped in the waxbackmachine. The tools i found to download all ressource of these page from the way back CDX Server are chargeable or group the ressources by url path. That was not i want because i have to deal with complex folderstructures.
The functionality of these repository based on the python standard library. So there is no need for a requirements.txt file.
python --domain --start 20070101000000 --end 20131231000000
Required Arguments:
--domain The domain you want to download
--start Startdate in yyyyMMddhhmmss
--end Enddate in yyyyMMddhhmmss
If there are any erros during runntime these errors are logged in log.log
in the root folder.
Feel free.