Setup Strimzi Operator.
$ kubectl create namespace kafka
$ kubectl apply -f '' -n kafka
Deploy a Kafka cluster.
$ kubectl apply -f kafka-strimzi-setup.yaml
$ git clone
$ cd kafdrop
- Remove
default fromapplication.yml
properties (Env variable to Maven property). We want it to be processed by Maven Resources Plugin, so that JKube is aware of the final port for the Service creation. We could make the Service work with env variables too, but that'll require extra configuration. - Add Kubernetes-Maven-Plugin.
$ git clone
# Add Kubernetes Maven Plugin to pom.xml
# Remove `:9000` default from application.yml properties (Small bug in KMP)
$ eval $(minikube docker-env)
$ mvn clean package -DskipTests -DSERVER_PORT=9009 k8s:build k8s:resource k8s:apply
If you want to try debug, add Maven project to IntelliJ, and breakpoint to TopicController#getAllTopics
$ mvn k8s:debug
Maven profile enables pushing the image to