This is simply an empty neos-site to be able to preview monocle styleguides provided in neos-packages.
Just require this package and you get:
- Monocle dependency installed
- Styleguides from your neos-packages rendered (else you get an exception about a missing site)
- A routing from "/" to the monocle preview backend
Some pieces of this might be obsoleted in later versions of Monocle. See:
You have a frontend neos-package and want to use Monocle in CI, this might help to get you started (instead of creating a dummy "base distribution").
Your package doesn't even need to require Monocle (as you won't need it in production anyway):
"name": "vendor/your-frontend-package",
"type": "neos-package",
"require": {
"neos/neos": "^4.3",
"neos/fusion-afx": "^1.4",
"packagefactory/atomicfusion-proptypes": "^1.3"
"scripts": {
"post-cmds": [
"rm -rf Packages/Application/CRON.DavPtaheute.Frontend && mkdir -p Packages/Application/ && ln -s ../../ Packages/Application/CRON.DavPtaheute.Frontend"
"post-update-cmd": "@post-cmds",
"post-install-cmd": "@post-cmds",
"post-package-update": "Neos\\Flow\\Composer\\InstallerScripts::postPackageUpdateAndInstall",
"post-package-install": "Neos\\Flow\\Composer\\InstallerScripts::postPackageUpdateAndInstall"
Now you can do this in CI:
composer require "cron/neos-monoclepreviewsite"
And you will get a fully working Monocle installation ready to use.