Implementation of "Beyond a Gaussian Denoiser: Residual Learning of Deep CNN for Image Denoising": DnCNN
This is an implementation of the denoiser described in the paper "Beyond a Gaussian Denoiser: Residual Learning of Deep CNN for Image Denoising".
Implemented are the variants:
- CDnCNN-B: Denoising colour images with additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) at specifiable variance-levels.
- DnCNN-3: Denoising colour images with AWGN, JPEG noise or Up/Down-Sampling noise.
- Architecture based on VGG, no pooling layers
- 20 Layers (configurable)
- Operates on patches of 50x50 pixels (configurable)
- Layer 1: Conv + ReLu, 64 filters, 3x3 kernel size
- Layers 2- (D-2): Conv + BN + ReLU, each 64 filters, 3 x 3 kernels
- Layer D: Conv with 3 filters
- Zero (same) padding before each Conv-Layer
- Input is noisy observation
$y = x + v$ - Learn the noise residual
$\cal{R}(y) \approx v$ - Loss: MSE of
$\cal{R}(y)$ and$v$
- BSDS500 dataset (it contains train / val and test splits). This is not exactly the same dataset that the authors of the reference publication used. They used 432 color images from Berkeley segmentation.
- Patches are extracted by cropping with a stride equal to the patch size.
- Data Augmentation: Random Flips, Random (90-degree) rotations, color augmentations (this is slightly more than in the original publication)
- Additionally, we train models on a more modern dataset: Raise-1k.
- Berkeley segmentation dataset CSD68 with 68 natural images (this is a subset of the BSDS500 validation split)
- noise level sampled from [0, 55] (blind Gaussian denoising)
- noise level sampled from [0, 55] (blind Gaussian denoising)
- JPEG quality sampled from [5, 99]
- Down/Upsampling with factors: [2, 3, 4]
Install dependencies:
pip install -e .
To download the data into (./data)
make data
Run tests
make tests
See experiment configs in ./config/experiment
make train experiment=cdncnn-b
Train on slurm cluster:
make train-slurm experiment=cdncnn-b
make train-slurm experiment=raise1k_low_noise
make train-slurm experiment=raise1k
make train-slurm experiment=dncnn-3
Export trained models:
python src/gaussian_denoiser/ \
--model_export_dir ./logs/train/CDnCNN-B_2024-08-13_21-00-53 \
--save_path ./models/ \
--verify_export \
--test_image_path ./docs/swan.jpg
python src/gaussian_denoiser/ \
--model_export_dir ./logs/train/DnCNN-3_2024-08-13_21-02-27 \
--save_path ./models/ \
--verify_export \
--test_image_path ./docs/swan.jpg
python src/gaussian_denoiser/ \
--model_export_dir ./logs/train/raise1k_low_noise_2024-08-14_13-00-46 \
--save_path ./models/ \
--verify_export \
--test_image_path ./docs/swan.jpg
python src/gaussian_denoiser/ \
--model_export_dir ./logs/train/raise1k_2024-08-13_21-02-27 \
--save_path ./models/ \
--verify_export \
--test_image_path ./docs/swan.jpg
Tested on CBSD68.
Noise Level | Metric | CDnCNN-B | DnCNN-3 |
15 | PSNR | 33.0587 | 31.6835 |
SSIM | 0.9146 | 0.8802 | |
MSSIM | 0.9785 | 0.9719 | |
MSE | 0.0005 | 0.0007 | |
25 | PSNR | 30.3296 | 28.7687 |
SSIM | 0.8596 | 0.8060 | |
MSSIM | 0.9609 | 0.9465 | |
MSE | 0.0010 | 0.0014 | |
50 | PSNR | 26.6948 | 24.5569 |
SSIM | 0.7407 | 0.6352 | |
MSSIM | 0.9124 | 0.8745 | |
MSE | 0.0023 | 0.0036 |
Test the models on an independent test set (the same used in the reference article).
python src/gaussian_denoiser/ \
--model_path ./models/ \
--test_data_original_dir ./data/dcnn/cbsd68/original_png \
--test_data_noisy_dir ./data/dcnn/cbsd68/noisy15 \
--device cuda
Evaluation Results:
- Test Noise-Free: ./data/dcnn/cbsd68/original_png
- Test Noise-Free: ./data/dcnn/cbsd68/noisy15
- PSNR: 33.0587
- SSIM: 0.9146
- MSSIM: 0.9785
- MSE: 0.0005
python src/gaussian_denoiser/ \
--model_path ./models/ \
--test_data_original_dir ./data/dcnn/cbsd68/original_png \
--test_data_noisy_dir ./data/dcnn/cbsd68/noisy25 \
--device cuda
Evaluation Results:
- Test Noise-Free: ./data/dcnn/cbsd68/original_png
- Test Noise-Free: ./data/dcnn/cbsd68/noisy25
- PSNR: 30.3296
- SSIM: 0.8596
- MSSIM: 0.9609
- MSE: 0.0010
python src/gaussian_denoiser/ \
--model_path ./models/ \
--test_data_original_dir ./data/dcnn/cbsd68/original_png \
--test_data_noisy_dir ./data/dcnn/cbsd68/noisy50 \
--device cuda
Evaluation Results:
- Test Noise-Free: ./data/dcnn/cbsd68/original_png
- Test Noise-Free: ./data/dcnn/cbsd68/noisy50
- PSNR: 26.6948
- SSIM: 0.7407
- MSSIM: 0.9124
- MSE: 0.0023
python src/gaussian_denoiser/ \
--model_path ./models/ \
--test_data_original_dir ./data/dcnn/cbsd68/original_png \
--test_data_noisy_dir ./data/dcnn/cbsd68/noisy15 \
--device cuda
Evaluation Results:
- Test Noise-Free: ./data/dcnn/cbsd68/original_png
- Test Noise-Free: ./data/dcnn/cbsd68/noisy15
- PSNR: 31.6835
- SSIM: 0.8802
- MSSIM: 0.9719
- MSE: 0.0007
python src/gaussian_denoiser/ \
--model_path ./models/ \
--test_data_original_dir ./data/dcnn/cbsd68/original_png \
--test_data_noisy_dir ./data/dcnn/cbsd68/noisy25 \
--device cuda
Evaluation Results:
- Test Noise-Free: ./data/dcnn/cbsd68/original_png
- Test Noise-Free: ./data/dcnn/cbsd68/noisy25
- PSNR: 28.7687
- SSIM: 0.8060
- MSSIM: 0.9465
- MSE: 0.0014
python src/gaussian_denoiser/ \
--model_path ./models/ \
--test_data_original_dir ./data/dcnn/cbsd68/original_png \
--test_data_noisy_dir ./data/dcnn/cbsd68/noisy50 \
--device cuda
Evaluation Results:
- Test Noise-Free: ./data/dcnn/cbsd68/original_png
- Test Noise-Free: ./data/dcnn/cbsd68/noisy50
- PSNR: 24.5569
- SSIM: 0.6352
- MSSIM: 0.8745
- MSE: 0.0036
The models can be used using the following code (minimal example):
model = torch.jit.load(model_path)
model =
image =
image_tensor = TF.to_tensor(image).unsqueeze(0).to(device)
# Perform inference
with torch.no_grad():
noise_estimate = exported_model(image_tensor)
denoised_image = torch.clip(image_tensor - noise_estimate, 0, 1.0).squeeze(0).cpu()
noise_estimate_clipped = image_tensor - denoised_image
# Convert the denoised tensor back to an image and save it
denoised_pil_image = TF.to_pil_image(denoised_image)
The models can be used with the following library script:
python src/gaussian_denoiser/ \
--model_path ./models/ \
--input_image_path ./docs/swan.jpg \
--output_dir ./outputs \
--device cpu
The implementation follows:
title={Beyond a {Gaussian} denoiser: Residual learning of deep {CNN} for image denoising},
author={Zhang, Kai and Zuo, Wangmeng and Chen, Yunjin and Meng, Deyu and Zhang, Lei},
journal={IEEE Transactions on Image Processing},