A stupid experiment (47 lines) to add declarative functionalities to jQuery
npm install...
Just kidding, simply open index.html in the browser.
- Create a state
const State2 = $.createState({ title: "asd", counter: "0" })
- Create a template, use data-bind instead of {this.state.variable}
<div id="test1"> <h1 data-bind="title"></h1> <h1 data-bind="counter"></h1> <button onclick="State2.counter++">Increment</button> <input data-bind="title"> </div>
- Connect the state with the template
- Play with the state and watch the template update automagically 🧙
State2.counter++ State2.title = "ciao"
It's late and I randomly though about it, I realized that it wasn't so hard to do, so I did it.
The state is handled by javascript's getters/setters. As you can see in the example above, I'm using the data attribute to keep the text value of the doms with the getter. Each time the setter is called, I search for all the elements that are binding with the updated state using jquery's $('[data-state="..."]')
, and I update them with the state getter.
You have to tell me!